I hate that some people don't care about animals!
Here in NC at my sisters home....they have had several dogs and cats dropped off in front of their home. She once saw someone kick a dog out of the car right in front of her house....the dog tried to get back in the car. The car took off...the dog wandered off.
My sister and her husband took a few animals to the nearby shelter....two were euthanized.
My Sister has two dogs and a cat...she doesn't need another pet.
My husband and I travel with one cat and our lifestyle doesn't call for another pet at this time.
So this morning when a small black lab mix puppy shows up in the yard we were not happy.
Why would someone dump off a little puppy?
How can they have an animal for a few months and want to get rid of it? I just don't understand.
Well I could go on and on with my anger....and then this blog would never end.

What a sweet little dog. My sisters dogs were barking allot from behind the fenced in yard...it didn't seem to faze this little pup. She wanted in...she wanted human touch , petting and she wanted food.
I wanted her not to go into the road...i wanted her not to wander and starve.
So I fed her. I knew I was going to bring her to the Humane Society...but it was 9 am and they didnt open until 12. I tried putting a collar and leash on her and she bucked like a bronco... she didnt seem to know what it was, must have been kenneled?
She settled down, cowered and ate the rest of her meal,,,I made a small bed outside,covered her with a blanket and she fell asleep for almost two hours...
It was twelve...I wrapped her up and carried her to the car in a blanket...we took her to the Humane Society..hoping against hope that she would find a home. When I had called they told me there was no room at the Inn ,so to speak.but they would worm her give her shots and we could then find another place to bring her...
Did you know that the least adoptable pets are black? My sister told me that.
They told us that at the Humane Society.
We filled out the paperwork....
In the process a gentleman came in to pick up Jake, a small three year old dog he had chosen a few days prior.
I started talking about what happened , how sweet this little puppy was...how calm she was.... he seemed interested.
But he was there to pick up another dog...I think he was conflicted.
He heard the conversation we were having with staff....they had no room...we would have to bring the dog elswhere....black dogs arent as desireable....yes she was sweet...but...
He then said he would take this little black puppy...and not take Jake.
He said he knows the statistics...he knows that black pets don't get adopted often...most likely this little puppy would be euthanized. He wanted to save her. She wasn't the small dog he wanted but...he would take her.
Jake would have a better chance of being adopted.
At that moment a woman came in wanting to see Jake....she knew of him and wanted to see if Jake would get along with her two other rescue dogs she brought with her...
He did.
Wow ..what a wonderful moment.....What wonderful people...
Jake has a new home.

Black, less desirable, puppy has a new home.

We are thrilled