Howdee all,
Back in North Carolina…
I am not there now…but I was..
Proof here in Homeys tire…
The squirrels are still there…and most likely still stealing nuts from the pile Jeff was cleaning…seems the squirrels like the convenience..of hulled hickory nuts.
The nut pile wasn’t meant for the squirrels, Jeff was cleaning them for my parents..we were to take some back for their squirrels who wanted a few nuts for Christmas….We did take some to Ct..
That’s where we are now…
But these Purple finches are still in North Carolina..
And so is this Towhee..Yes…the white stuff is snow..
A dusting a few days before we left for our Christmas Road trip.
The squirrel didn’t care about the snow…he just wanted all the nuts Jeff had carefully hulled.
After the freeze and snow I put out extra bird seed…the wine bottle is another story..
I wanted to set the empty bottle out by my stairs to bring to the trash later…but..
it slid about six feet on the icy snow…..and landed near the bird seed.
The Cardinal didn’t seem to care about having any wine…
Neither the Downy much preferred the nut butter.
And so did the White-breasted nuthatch
I wonder if ..the Purple Finches are still hanging around…
I am sure the Goldfinch are there..I left the feeders full.
The Pine Siskins stopped in when the cold weather came..I wonder if they will still be around when we get back..
Will find out in a week or so…But until then..
I am not there…
We have arrived in Connecticut..and we will be spending Christmas here..
Maybe I will take a few photos in CT..or maybe I will take a blogger
If I don’t post again before Christmas…
To all my Friends and Family that celebrate..
A Very Happy Christmas to you all!