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Monday, December 14, 2015
Saying Goodbye
Friday, August 28, 2015
Boaters beach..... Chatham
Went out on the boat again a few days ago.
Jeff with all the gear that goes into the boat.
Chairs for the beach, fishing rods, clamming gear, lunch, extra clothing, hats sunscreen, cameras and binoculars.
It's low tide and I walk around to see what birds are about.
Great Black-backed Gulls.
Margie starts clamming.
This time we clam for steamers...soft shell clams.
Great Black-backed Gull with a crab.
Least Sandpiper
Black-bellied Plover still in breeding plumage.
A few Oystercatchers, Black-bellied Plover and a Willet.
We also saw Semipalmated Plovers, Semipalmated sandpipers and Short-billed dowitchers on the mud flats.
Herring Gull with a crab
It was a beautiful day on boaters beach....
I did some walking, clamming and reading.
Fun in the sun!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
More Chatham fun
On our morning walk we usually pass by this idyllic scene.
The rows of flowering Rose of Sharon trimmed beautifully as they flow down toward the windmill.
Winner winner...clam dinner!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capey things….
Jeff and I are in Cape Cod for a few weeks….
Spending time with Jeff's side of the family, enjoying the beach and what it brings.
A few days ago we spent a few hours at the beach.
Jeff, his brother and I went for a short walk.
I was curious what birds might be around other than the Laughing, Ring-billed , Greater Black-backed and Herring Gulls.
We saw a few Willet, Sanderlings, Semipalmated plover and Ruddy Turnstone.
We also saw a Black Scoter a few feet offshore in the distance.
We left the rest of the family fighting no seeums at the beach so we decided to head back in case they had enough.
I love afternoons and evenings on the beach.
Family was still there and were surviving the no seeums.
Perhaps it was the wine that was protecting them.
Selfie time.
A very nice afternoon at the beach……
Evening on the deck with a glass of wine and the moon.
Yesterdays morning walk. The water was still…So it was decided that we should take a boat ride.
A little fishing….
They all kept reeling them in one after another.
Black Sea Bass
Sandy cooked a few up for dinner……delicious!
Another Fine day in Cape Cod.