Howdee all,
A few days ago I had a blog scare. I went to log onto my blog and the browser said that Dawns bloggy blog does not exist. I had Jeff try to get to my blog and he had the same message..
Ugh…my heart started racing..My travelogue gone?
I quickly wrote an email to Blogspot and Google. I noticed Google has been going thru some changes lately and thought it could be related to that.
I tried signing into Google and got a message about suspicious activity. I then had to go thru a sign in process which included them calling my phone number and giving me a code in order to get back to Google. Long story short. My blog magically appeared again.
Lesson learned~Back up my blog weekly
How to Backup a Blogger Blog
Then I started toying with keeping another back-up of my blog at
I imported my blog there and played around with templates.
I wanted to keep my birdie and the brown background..make it similar but a different look than what I have now.
I also played around with Blogspot templates on my Template testing blog to see what I could come up with.
I don’t know if I want to switch to Wordpress…
I know those who use it love it. In order to have better control over themes etc. you really need to have a account. From what I understand that means having the blog hosted and other yearly fees…something I didn’t want to do for my little blog.
I am not sure about, I think there is a limited amount of storage for photos etc. then you pay for extra storage. I am paying 5 dollars a year storage for my current blog.
I also think that there is advertising inserted in accounts.
Any wordpress lovers out there please chime in.
I have come up with two other templates.
They are not finished.
I will have more in the sidebars~similar to what I have here at this blog.
Let me know what you like the best.
Click on the Links to get a better feel for each template and let me know what you think.
1-Current blog
I have started to add link pages up top to get rid of some of my sidebar clutter.

2- New Blogspot blog
Not sure why I am getting a white square around the pictures on the sidebar and on the photos in the blog post.
I like the fonts..and you can change them for no cost at anytime.

3-Wordpress blog
Kind of like that I can insert a photo..
Not sure if I like the text without a background color.
Cant change fonts at unless you pay a fee.

Ok..let me have it!