Jeff and I have been enjoying our stay in Las Vegas..
Luckily, our friends own an amazing property in Calico Basin, away from the craziness of the city.
I wake up in the morning and find Rock Wrens warming in the sun.

Gambel’s Quail visit the yard several times a day..

Four nights ago at 3am I opened my window and propped my pillow on the sill and looked for shooting stars..I saw 68 that night…
A record for me..
The views here are awesome..
The Red rock glows when the sun hits it.
I can walk out the door and down the street to say hello to the neighbors horses..
Just a few minutes walk is
Red Spring
Three springs with permanent water emerge from the base of the red and white sandstone cliffs: Red Spring, Calico Spring, and Ash Spring. Water also emerges from several seeps in the area, and water runs in washes to the north and south of the springs area during winter. The springs support trees, thickets, and an open meadow. Compared to the surrounding desert, Calico Basin is sheltered and moist, and it is easy to understand why Native Americans, birds, and wildlife spend time here.
White Crowned sparrows and other birds hang out near the spring..
The area is fenced and has a boardwalk to protect the meadow
from people and wild burros..

Red Spring flows from a shallow tunnel in the rocks on the far side of the boardwalk, and several other seeps in the area support large velvet ash trees, thickets of shrub live oak and honey mesquite, plus a meadow of saltgrass and sedges. It also supports a diverse collection of wildlife including birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and invertebrates. All of this is surrounded by Mojave desert scrub vegetation, including creosote bush, white bursage, Mojave yucca, and joshua trees.

The meadow..
various shrubs and flowers..
Interesting rock formations..

Views looking north..

Its a great area ..
A sharp contrast to the desert outside of the spring…

Red Spring comes in from the rocky area to the right..
giving birth to this lush meadow..
and trees..
I take the boardwalk back down..
To the end..
I then take the short walk back to where Homey is parked..

We go on some super hikes here..
We just walk out the door and hike up to the Red Rock and then explore the various trails.
Like the
Oh..Shit..Damn..F#$% Hike
Yeah, lots of bouldering and some interesting places to get down from..
This one took teamwork.

I found this heart on the same hike.

See the heart in white?
found on our friends property..
Sediment on stone.
Its a great place to be!

We fly out of Vegas tomorrow and fly into the Freeze Zone of MA and CT for the Holidays..
Cant wait to see the family!
But..I am not looking forward to the cold