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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New River~Meet the Flockers

Howdee all,

We had a fabulous time at

The New River Birding and Nature Festival

Great Birding, Botanizing, awesome trip leaders and people.

The people~

The Flock or The Flockers as I like to call them were the reason we knew about this festival and why we attended.

   I heard of the legendary Flock several years ago via their blogs..The Flock was a group of mostly gal Bird/nature bloggers that met at the festival …they all hit it off big time. I read the tales of laughter and silliness and bonding of the hearts.

Not all of the original Flock was here this year…but, I was able to meet a few and some new additions to the Flock.


Meet the Flockers

What would the flock be without its Mother…I don’t know if this is her official title..but its one she should have.


The organizer~

Big eyes and full of mischief ~The naughty one..and we love that about her :)

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The Flockers.

Minus a few early departures~and a few that somehow didn’t make the photo shoot.

Bottom row left to right~Heather, Beth G., Susan, Beth R.

Middle row~Nina, Kathi, Lynne, Me

Top row~ Laura, Jay, Doug, Jeff

Not in this photo~ Mary Ann, Debra, Donna, Diana and Vicki

We really enjoyed meeting each and every one and hope we can meet again some year.

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The Brilliant Chet Baker…

The Doggeth got around~lots of hugs and kisses

 ~friend him on facebook for daily smiles

  New River Day 4_050

Beth, Jim and Chet

NEW river day 6_087Susan and Chet

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Laura, Nina and Chet

NEW river day 6_100Our last evening ended with a cookout and entertainment by


Rain Crows

Jeff Eller, Wendy Eller, Craig Gibbs, Bill Thompson III, Julie Zickefoose

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My rather Crappy Video of The Rain Crows performing and the Kidlets dancing.

Love this song.

Julie Z and Bill T NEW river day 6_096

The young-uns get the party started.

NEW river day 6_103Jay gets around like Chet Baker :O ~ a fine dancer

Susan and Jay

NEW river day 6_104Beth and Jay

NEW river day 6_106~A great ending to a Super Week~

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Read the Flockers



New River 2011 People pix

Some birders should not botanize.

You Verklempt me.

The Voice



Birds of Sugar Creek

What's underneath it all

Taking time

(and I'm still working...)



Intense Birding in West Virginia

Moths on our Cabin

Life list and emotional birder

Violets of New River

(with at least 2 more posts slow cooking)



New River Experience

(at least one more on the way...)



My posts~

Day 1

New River Birding and Nature Festival Day 1

Day 2

New River Birding and Nature Festival~day 2

Day 3

Burnwood to Babcock

Day 4

A trip called Muddlety

Day 5

High Country Heaven

Day 6

I want to live in the Glades


Trip Leaders with Blogs

Jim McCormac

Julie Zickefoose

Bill Thompson III

Chet Baker facebook page

The Rain Crows facebook page


A special thanks to all of you who created this special festival!

We had a super time!


  1. Looks like you had a great time.

  2. I have really enjoyed your posts about the festival. What an awesome trip that must have been!

  3. Looks like you all had a lovely time. Great pictures of everyone.

  4. Dawn, it looks like everyone had a great time. It is nice see some of the bloggers faces.

  5. Looks like you all had a very wonderful time. I've so enjoyed reading your The New River Birding and Nature Festival blog posts!

  6. Looks like fun - but what about the gators?

  7. Looks like an amazing trip. But I must ask where exactly along the New River is this festival?

  8. Wow, looks like I have lots of catching up to do! So glad you got to meet everyone! Aren't they just wonderful! You are too so it was a perfect match! The last night with the music was my favorite thing we did! I just loved the party atmosphere! Well done Dawn!

  9. Thanks everyone for commenting..
    This was a terrific festival. I highly recommend attending! gators :)

    Red Hill General Store
    Click on the link to go to the festival site with maps..


ok what do you really think?????