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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here's Waldo and Us too..

Howdee all,

Here's Waldo, and here we are too..

Settled in Mom and Dads driveway in Ct.

I have been to busy here to put together the blog posts about our Awesome experience birding The Biggest Week in American Birding.

I will do them..soon.

Here are a few things that have been keeping me busy…


We have had some morning nice walks with Mom and Dad and Bella..I don’t see Bella in this photo..she must be chasing a squirrel.

IMG_0572A few Panera Bread lunches..My favorite fast food.

IMG_0564A trip to the spa with Girls..Waldo had his toes done

 IMG_0576The planters I bought last year fell apart in a few months and I returned them.

So, this year my Brother in Law said he would make me a planter that would last years…here it is. Isn't it a beauty? I will take more pictures after I plant it up.

IMG_0577A family picnic…Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and Families.

IMG_0578We had a nice sunset dinner at MGM Casinos, 28th floor lounge.

Waldo stayed at home.

I ran out of wine and took a few photos.

IMG_0570The table was shiny black and reflected the sunset…see the two crumbs on the table..and the reflection of the chandelier?


So..that’s what Waldo, Jeff and I have been up too…

What have you been doing?


All photos taken with my Ipod touch


  1. Really like the new planter. But your sunset reflection is the Most Awesome! Glad you've all been busy. Me too, working.

  2. Great family shots and of Waldo. I really like the planter and some Clematis growing up the trellis would look pretty. Your sunset photos are gorgeous. Is there a MGM Casino in Connecticut? I been to the Foxwood place.

  3. The wine glass is a fabulous shot Dawn. (Although a little dash of Chianti would have rounded it off, purely from an artistic point of view of course){:)

  4. Looks like you've been busy. Waldo is hysterical.

  5. Very cool photos of the wine glass. Love Waldo too. btw, isn't Panera the best? We live on it when we're traveling.

  6. Looks like you've been having lots of Fun!! LOVE those wine glass shots - very creative!!
    I could really go for a day at the SPA!

  7. Fun with Waldo... so cute!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  8. Sounds like you are having a nice family visit. Great looking planter! Love the wine glass/sunset shots! Waldo's toes sure look pretty.

  9. Waving from LI! Great sunset w/glass..!

  10. I'm playing catchup on what my favorite bloggers have been up to. You have some great posts as expected.

    Waldo seems like a bit of a stalker though!!

  11. Those wine glass photos look like something the casino might give you some free credits for.

  12. Thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving a comment! much Appreciated.

    Thanks..the only reason I took the sunset and glass photo was because a facebook friend had posted one that same night and I wanted to show him my drink..ha.
    Hope you are having fun ms Ranger.

    I am thinking about getting some Clematis...would be nice on the trellis. The MGM is part of Foxwoods is the new Hotel and casino.

    Yeah..I was hoping someone would fill my wine glass!

    Glad Waldo makes you laugh, though, I dont think he would like that..he wants to charm the girls :)

    Sharon M
    Thanks...Yes I LOVE Panera!

    Yes we have been having a great time. Thanks! Treat yourself to the deserve it!

    Thanks Donna..Safe travels to you too!

    Julie G.
    Thanks Julie..Waldo is thrilled you like his toes!

    Waving back from CT..Hope to see you this summer!

    Harold Stiver
    Thanks! Waldo a he is harmless..just likes us to take him with us wherever we go. :)

    Hee wine did you know?


ok what do you really think?????