Howdee all,
Remember the Ruby-crowned Kinglet a few days ago who came tapping at our bedroom window? If you want to see a big Ruby on the Kinglet you must check out the video.
We have a new bird tapping at our window…
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Wasn’t that a silly bird?
Our Motorhome has reflective windows and this happens quite a bit.
I wonder what bird will come tapping at our window next…
In the meantime…..
Don’t forget to check out my weekly post
Featured Bird Blogger of the Week
If you haven't checked out yet..please come over and check us out.
A multi authored blog..
Kenn Kaufman, Dale Forbes,Tom McKinney, Rich Hoyer, Martin Garner,
Gunnar Engblom, Rebecca Nason, Gyorgy Szimuly ,Susan Myers and yours truly.
I would love to see you there and hear what you have to say about my featured blogger.
Come on over for a visit!
If you know a Bird blogger that you think should be featured at
.send me an email at Nobbiecat (@) hotmail (.) com
Thanks Vickie for mentioning me in your latest post..It made me smile."