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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Birding with a Weedpicker and a Celebrity

Howdee all,

I have yet to tell you about the second bird festival we attended last month..

The Biggest Week in American Birding

I am working on several blog posts about our two week is my first post on our birding trip to the area..stay tuned for more.


Birding with a Weedpicker and a Celebrity


While in Ohio and during the Biggest Week, we were invited by Cheryl Harner to join her, Greg Miller and a group of birders for a bird walk at Sheldon Marsh.

It was a pleasure meeting Cheryl for the first time. I have been reading her blog for several years now. Cheryl is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to wildflowers and everything nature.

Two great nature bloggers…Cheryl's blog Weedpickers Journal

Greg's blog… Greg Miller Birding  Did you know that Greg is being played by Jack Black in the upcoming movie The Big Year?  Read Birdchicks post about the Movie The Big Year~~ I cant wait to see it!


Sheldon Marsh

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_004

In the early 50's, a Sandusky physician named Dean Sheldon, bought a 56 acre tract of valuable lakefront land in Huron Township. Although many local developers thought it was a waste of valuable land, Sheldon worked to develop the land as a nature preserve. Recognizing the value to the community and the local habitat, The Ohio Department of Natural Resources purchased the property in 1979 and combined it with an adjoining 330 acre marsh and in 1980 dedicated it as "Sheldon Marsh State Nature Preserve"


Biggest week sheldens farm_025

It was a beautifully overcast morning..

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_036Pink petal on grass

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_003The fog softens everything..

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_006Wildflowers

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_005Wild Geranium and mossy rock

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_008Cheryl told me what this was..but..forgetsies

Thanks Michael Bartneck for your kind ID

Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_009Oh lookie here..I found some droplets..

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_012

Another nice thing foggy mornings bring..

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_013We are here to bird as well as check out the plants..

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_016Mallard on log in the fog..

Biggest week sheldens farm_035I love Greg Miller!

What a sweet man, not to mention an extremely knowledgeable birder. He is a super teacher..I learned allot the few times we were birding with him…wish I could tag along with him some more. Oh.and did you know he is a secret pirate? Argh..

Here, Greg talks to a young birder we meet along the way. He gives the birder his card, tells him about the soon to be released movie and a photo is taken. Memories made for this young birder.

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_017We did see birds…Warblers and other goodies

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_019Willow tree me thinks..

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_020Our birding group..taken by my camera on a timer next to Greg Miller :)

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_023

Birders doing what they do best…

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_029

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_025Fox squirrelBiggest week sheldens farm_024Critter in a shell..Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_031Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_034

Most of the area is easily accessed via this cars

Biggest week sheldens farm_030Ant for Breakfast …Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_040Snake hanging out in a shrub..

Biggest week sheldens farm_038It was a lovely morning..

Biggest week sheldens farm_034

Human plantings blending with mother nature’s plantings..

Biggest week sheldens farm_026

We had a Super time hanging out with our new friends Cheryl, Greg Miller ,Greg & Leslie and the other birders.

Thank you Cheryl for inviting us to this event and others during our stay!

You are the best Hostess..Thanks for making us feel so Welcome in your neck of the woods!

Sheldons Marsh Old Womans Creek_035

Greg Miller Birding

Birdchicks post about the Movie The Big Year

 Cheryl Harners blog~Weedpickers Journal

Stay tuned for more of the Biggest Week


  1. Lovely post, Lovely Dawn. I particularly like the snake photo. :)

  2. Very interesting people and can't wait to see the movie:)

  3. Nice pics, the forgetsies is Hydrastis canadensis..Goldenseal.

  4. Great post!! Wow, how cool to get that shot of the snake! Beautiful place!!

  5. Nice photos as always-That must be so interesting to see yourself portrayed in a major movie by someone like Jack Black.I am looking forward to seeing that movie.I hope the movie turns out to be interesting and entertaining.

  6. What a great opportunity. Look forward to more of this birding adventure. Always love how you show us the Big and small.

  7. Wow, sounds like a great adventure. I can't wait to see the movie either. Looks like you all had fun.

  8. Celebrity smelebrity.... You are Dawn from Anywhere USA. I'm proud to say I birded with you. Always fun to go with fellow birders. Can't wait to see that flick! I'm sure all my non-birding friend are going to have a field day. Unfortunately with Jack Black in it, I don't know that we'll look that glamorous.

  9. Another great post Dawn! I sure meeting birders and friends along the way is a lot fun! I enjoyed the photos, even the snake. Have a great weekend.

  10. I love overcast days too..wonderful that some folks think to preserve land..& to see young birders. Now to check out Weedpickers Journal :-)

  11. The scenery is gorgeous. The critters? Not so much!

    Oh, I loved your wine glass pictures!

  12. Aah... the life you lead! What lovely photos on this post...

  13. Except for slugs and snakes (shudder), seems almost perfect!

  14. omg, the snake... I would have lost it. Somebody would have had to pick me up from the ground.

  15. Yikes ant for lunch! my fav shot this post ... looks like another wonderful adventure with friends :)

  16. That was an absolutely beautiful hike you shared. Very much like our early mornings of Sedona hiking parties done over here. So love the droplets photo. One of the reasons I prefer hiking quite early in the day. Your "ant for breakfast" pic is amazing. Well, so are the rest of the photos. Again, thank you thank you for sharing with the community.

  17. The scenery is gorgeous. I liked all natural picks..

    Swim With Dolphins

  18. Thanks for sharing this awesome blog with us...

  19. Linda Rockwell
    Thanks Linda

    Cynthia White
    Yeah..i cant wait to see the movie either..should be fun

    Michael Bartneck
    thanks for your kind comment and flower ID!

    Beverly said...
    thanks..I think you are one of the few gals here that didnt shudder when you saw the snake photo :)

    Talking to Gregg, the Movie is not the book..lots of changes..but he said it will be enjoyable.

    Thanks..I like your compliment on big and small..You do that too :)

    Cindy .
    Thanks was tons of fun. Cant wait for the movie.

    Blogger John (Tucker)
    Hee are funny. I am proud to have birded with you! Looks like I will be getting a few bird outings together in in Mass and one maybe Jamaica Bay ..will let you know when I have dates.

    Thanks Eileen! Glad you liked the snake..saw lots of them sitting in bushes.

    Yeah, I love overcast days too! it was very nice to see this mother out with her young son birding, not enough of that in my opinion.

    Thanks..sorry about the snake..hee hee hope you didnt jump.

    Weekend Cowgirl
    Thanks~ We certainly are lucky!

    Susan W.
    hee hee..I thought you were a outdoor pioneer woman :)

    Sharon M
    hee are funny..we see lots of snakes around..I would hate to faint for fear of them crawling on me. :)

    Debbie Miller @HooootOwl
    Hee hee..glad you liked my ants for lunch photo.

    Thanks so much for your kind comments..I love hiking Sedona..must get back there sometime soon.

    Thanks so much for you kind comment.

    Thank you for visiting!


ok what do you really think?????