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Monday, May 31, 2010

Visting Mom and Dad

Howdee all,

We arrived in CT and are now parked in the driveway of the home I grew up in from the age of three.

My parents have been in this home for over 50 years. Ct_051

My Dad is a keen gardener…one of his passions…


There are nesting Chickadees, Baltimore Orioles and a nest of Robins.

My mother showed me where the Robins chickies are...

Ct_005 Only about three feet off the ground..I was surprised to see the nest that low.

One chick fledged this morning..I expect they will all leave today.


Yesterday we had our annual Family Picnic…Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Sisters and brother.Ct_009  Our daughter Samarrah came to visit…:)

It was a wonderful day with family that flew by too quickly…Ct_016And here is my Lovely muther…she will probably be mad I am showing a photo of her..She is over 80 and now the Matriarch of the family, since Grandma passed away.

Doesn't she look awesome!  Ct_012So…

for the next month we will be busy here with gardening, taking muther shopping, Visiting sickstas and brother…watching the birds that come to the feeders…

Time for family…

And just enjoying Summer in New England..Ct_042

Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the Road again…..

Howdee all,

Its that time again…Moving on…

Going norther to visit more family….

We usually stop in NYC to visit our daughter but the Marina RV park that we stay in is full…..

So we will continue on to CT Mom and Dads driveway.

So..see ya later birdies..Sicksta Dell will leave some seed for you…birds and big bloomers_010

If she has enough time…after watering her gardenaround the garden_011Or ..maybe… birds and big bloomers_026Ghetto Boy will put some seed out for the birdies..

After he is done with his Fish pond meditation.

arnd the garden_018

Ballie enjoyed his daily walks..

Always monitored I might add…

he is a bird birds were harmed during his daily walk.

 arnd the garden_017 He just watched them…arnd the garden_026 So there were sat…..our Homey ..nestled in

for a month…

birds and big bloomers_025And here is the same spot after we pulled out..arnd the garden_036Sicksta will fill it up with plants, and benches…until the next time we visit..

Then she moves all the plants, benches, chairs again..arnd the garden_037 Kali wont have to move when I come in daily to make the bed…

You see, sicksta Dell leaves for work before Ghetto Boy…and Ghetto Boy doesn't know how to make a bed, he just knows how to sleep in it.

slime and kali_005 So…life will be back to normal for Sicksta, Ghetto Boy and the pups..

and We move on….

arnd the garden_035

To Mom and Dads driveway..

New adventures..

Muther has already informed me that she has nice new brown gardening gloves and knee pads waiting for me…

How Exciting..I can hardly wait! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rain droplets on purple

Howdee all,

Just a very short post

Had very sad news about a Lovely friend..who lost her husband recently.

I haven't been able to put words together and many of us are feeling deep sadness for our friend.

So these raindrops are teardrops…

nursery_032Sadness for her pain and grief… nursery_033

Wishing her peace and healing…nursery_034

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flowers after the rain

Howdee all,

These photos were taken past Monday while on our shopping spree with Sicksta. We went to the Garden supply store and wandered around.

Raindrops from a recent rain were on the leaves and flowers.nursery_022More, much needed rain predicted for this AM.nursery_068 Possibly some hail.nursery_095We are hoping for a good rain for Sickstas flowers..nursery_069We leave here next Thursday.. nursery_074 We wont be stopping in NYC this time…we couldn't get reservations for the weekend at Liberty harbor marina and rv park..

oh well..nursery_009 So instead, we go directly to CTnursery_076 Looking forward to seeing family in CT….

Though …………

Its always hard to leave my half assed Sicksta , Ghetto boy, the two pups, fish in the pond, birds on the nest, Whip-poor-will, Whip-poor-will, Flying squirrels, Red, white and blue Birds at the feeders, the chorus of tree frogs, swimming pool, lovely garden and all the rest of the creatures here.

But, that's our life…

Parting is always such sweet sorrow.nursery_081

Friday, May 21, 2010

Water droplets on leaves

Howdee all,

This past week we had a few days of much needed rain here in the sand hills of North Carolina.

We stopped at a nursery/garden center after the rain.

I had my little point and shoot camera with me…So..I took a few photos of water droplets.nursery_088On leaves….nursery_086I haven't yet practiced enough with the macro settings.. nursery_092I used the macro zoom on a few of these… nursery_093 I have allot to learn…nursery_014 Any words of advice are welcome..nursery_015Luckily, my baby point and shoot does a decent job with macros.. nursery_016  When I look at some water droplet photos taken by professional photographers…nursery_041 I am amazed by what they can capture.. nursery_040 Check out this link for some real awesome

Water dropletsnursery_043

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Magnolia Matchsticks

Howdee all,

Its Magnolia blossom time in North Carolina..

I fell in love with what I call, the matchsticks..


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bluebirds and the tractor

Howdee all,

While visiting Pee Dee NWR I had fun watching this Bluebird couple flying around this tractor..perching then flying ..perching and flying again…fluttering wings..

Were they a new couple scoping out some new digs?

Lets pretend…

His script is blue

Hers in pink

Where are you Cutie? Check out this awesome Tractor..perfect for the two of us…

Pee Dee NWR_001  Here I am Handsome..not sure I like this pad…besides don't you see the writing on the seat? Scary!Pee Dee NWR_009I really do like this place..I can sit in the drivers seat…Imagine me in control of this vehicle…zoom zoom….and then..Pee Dee NWR_010I can sit on the top and look for bugs…Birds eye view here…This place is awesome!Pee Dee NWR_016 I don't know about this..doesn't seem very safe..what if those humans decide to drive it away..and I do want a family…Pee Dee NWR_004I'm not quite sure this tractor is a safe place to raise a family..Pee Dee NWR_018Where'd you go? I sorta like it…but..Pee Dee NWR_011 Oh..Glad you came back…Pee Dee NWR_012Listen Honey…

There's  a real nice nest box across the street.

I think you should take a look at it.Pee Dee NWR_019 Lets go there and see it..Pee Dee NWR_020 Please…..Pee Dee NWR_021 I don't see what you like about this tractor, its all rusty..and I just don't think it a safe place to raise a family! Pee Dee NWR_022

Fine, You win!..Lets go check out that nest box… soon as the kids are grown..I'm coming back here!Pee Dee NWR_024