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Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the Road again…..

Howdee all,

Its that time again…Moving on…

Going norther to visit more family….

We usually stop in NYC to visit our daughter but the Marina RV park that we stay in is full…..

So we will continue on to CT Mom and Dads driveway.

So..see ya later birdies..Sicksta Dell will leave some seed for you…birds and big bloomers_010

If she has enough time…after watering her gardenaround the garden_011Or ..maybe… birds and big bloomers_026Ghetto Boy will put some seed out for the birdies..

After he is done with his Fish pond meditation.

arnd the garden_018

Ballie enjoyed his daily walks..

Always monitored I might add…

he is a bird birds were harmed during his daily walk.

 arnd the garden_017 He just watched them…arnd the garden_026 So there were sat…..our Homey ..nestled in

for a month…

birds and big bloomers_025And here is the same spot after we pulled out..arnd the garden_036Sicksta will fill it up with plants, and benches…until the next time we visit..

Then she moves all the plants, benches, chairs again..arnd the garden_037 Kali wont have to move when I come in daily to make the bed…

You see, sicksta Dell leaves for work before Ghetto Boy…and Ghetto Boy doesn't know how to make a bed, he just knows how to sleep in it.

slime and kali_005 So…life will be back to normal for Sicksta, Ghetto Boy and the pups..

and We move on….

arnd the garden_035

To Mom and Dads driveway..

New adventures..

Muther has already informed me that she has nice new brown gardening gloves and knee pads waiting for me…

How Exciting..I can hardly wait! :)


  1. Wow, I can't believe you were at Sicksta's for a month. Her yard is simply lovely and that's the first time I saw the pond. It looks a little like ours minus the fish. I bet she will surely be lonely when you are gone but she has ghetto boy, pups, flowers and birds galore to keep her days and nights happy. Chicklet told me about the goodies she bought for your arrival. Don't ya just love being a migrant worker.. See you soon!!

  2. I am sitting in front of the computer eating salmon crepes from Trader Joes, reading your new blog and crying between bites. heehee The only thing that makes parting not so bad is knowing that you will be back.

  3. It sounds like a fun adventure ahead of you. :)

  4. Safe travels wished for you. Thanks for the beautiful pictures, so sharp.

  5. Dawn, after reading and enjoying your posts from TX I am curious to see what you make of New England. Safe travel!

  6. Are you sure you were at your sisters for a month? It seemed like just a couple of weeks. Ballie is so cute. I just want to pick him up and squeeze him. You have a wonderful sister,to do all that to welcome your stay!

  7. Yikes..guess I havent responded to your comments in a while..I guess I have been preoccupied..

    Thanks everyone..we are now in CT and will be here on and off all summer.
    See u in cyberspace


ok what do you really think?????