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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bluebirds and the tractor

Howdee all,

While visiting Pee Dee NWR I had fun watching this Bluebird couple flying around this tractor..perching then flying ..perching and flying again…fluttering wings..

Were they a new couple scoping out some new digs?

Lets pretend…

His script is blue

Hers in pink

Where are you Cutie? Check out this awesome Tractor..perfect for the two of us…

Pee Dee NWR_001  Here I am Handsome..not sure I like this pad…besides don't you see the writing on the seat? Scary!Pee Dee NWR_009I really do like this place..I can sit in the drivers seat…Imagine me in control of this vehicle…zoom zoom….and then..Pee Dee NWR_010I can sit on the top and look for bugs…Birds eye view here…This place is awesome!Pee Dee NWR_016 I don't know about this..doesn't seem very safe..what if those humans decide to drive it away..and I do want a family…Pee Dee NWR_004I'm not quite sure this tractor is a safe place to raise a family..Pee Dee NWR_018Where'd you go? I sorta like it…but..Pee Dee NWR_011 Oh..Glad you came back…Pee Dee NWR_012Listen Honey…

There's  a real nice nest box across the street.

I think you should take a look at it.Pee Dee NWR_019 Lets go there and see it..Pee Dee NWR_020 Please…..Pee Dee NWR_021 I don't see what you like about this tractor, its all rusty..and I just don't think it a safe place to raise a family! Pee Dee NWR_022

Fine, You win!..Lets go check out that nest box… soon as the kids are grown..I'm coming back here!Pee Dee NWR_024


  1. Very fun Dawn. I'd choose the great rusty tractor too. Must be the traveler in me.

  2. Wonderful pictures and dialogue. Very amusing.

  3. Wonderful photos. These birds are excellent.

  4. Fun post, Dawn! We would gladly put a tractor in the yard, if we thought we could get nesting bluebirds!

  5. Sure made me smile, thanks.
    Cute post.

  6. Outstanding post Dawn! You had me in stitches!

    Every frame matched the words perfectly.

  7. Oh Dawn .... this is fabulous! And has put a big ole smile on my face today! LOVE it!!

  8. Very Cute... Loved it!
    Have fun & travel safe

  9. This post is fabulous! Cute dialogue and wonderful photos of a beautiful bluebird pair. Thanks for putting a big smile on my face. I must show my fella as he is a CAT tractor man and a bluebird fan, as well.

  10. ha ha That was cute sicksta! That would be a good little story book..

  11. Great story dawn. I can just imagine these two looking for new digs. I must agree with the female, it doesn't look to safe to me.

    I love the shot with the female doing the wing wave, pointing at the nest box "across the street." Then jumping up in excitement. What a great way to start the day!

  12. Bluebirds bring out the screen writer in Dawn! Cute!

  13. So cute! Wish you'd given my address.

  14. That was cute! Love the Bluebirds.

  15. Love the poses and you put a smile on my face with those captions.

  16. Such a wonderful post, Bluebirds are so pretty, and you captured them so well.

  17. Oh Thanks so much everyone for your comments!

    I really was lucky to get all those birdie poses...

    I had fun putting the whole thing together..
    So glad I could make you smile!

    Sending you all Bluebird wishes..
    and Thanks again.


ok what do you really think?????