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Friday, May 29, 2009

Birding in Central Park,Hiking Cold Springs NYC

Howdee all,

We have been in NYC For almost a week now. Having a Great time!

Sunday we met up with two birders from Twitter and Chirptracker. Matt Bango founder of Chirptracker and John Beetham from A DC birding blog.

If you like twitter…check out Chirptracker it is a Twitter for birders. Matt and his brother are working on this project in their free time and could use all the support we give them! Please sign up and try Chirptracker! The more birders we have using it the better!

It was so nice to meet both of them in person and to spend the morning birding Central park! I should have taken photos..but I didn't..bummer…oh well.

Birding Central park during migration can be an amazing experience! Last spring we were in the park and warblers were eye height all over the Ramble! Birders were everywhere! This year we were late for peak migration..but we did see some good birdies. But, I only took a few shots of some Cardinals.

This little gal was very cooperative..I call her a city bird. There were quite a few city birds….they didn't seem to bothered by people, and allowed you to get quite close.cENTRAl park_20090524_008Here's another cooperative Gal…does she look like a fledgling?cENTRAl park_20090524_005It was Memorial Day Monday, Samarrah wanted to get out of the city and go for a hike.

We drove to Cold Springs NY about and hour north of the city and hiked Clarence Fahnestock State Park. We hiked a six mile loop hike. We noticed part way thru that we were hiking four different trails..Red, white, blue and Yellow. How appropriate for this day...the Yellow stood for our memorial ribbon. I thank those who have given their lives and wish a safe return to those who are serving our Country now.

It was nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and walk in the woods. HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_004Roots over RocksHIKE WITH SAM_20090524_011 Samarrah found this Rock face with Sunglasses…I bet one of my Sickstas would love it in their garden!

HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_017Rock Cairn Sculptures near the path..when you see something like you want to knock it down….or build more?HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_021Samarrah becoming a rock sculpture….HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_019Jeff getting in on the action.HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_020Rock Cairn sculpturesHIKE WITH SAM_20090524_022Isn't it beautiful here in the woods?…peaceful..HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_027We passed several lakesHIKE WITH SAM_20090524_028Some very cool shelf mushrooms of some sort…Any body know what kind?HIKE WITH SAM_20090524_036 Ok sickstas …

I know how much you love to see the food I am eating…especially here in NYC..where the restaurants are sooooo amazing… these dishes are from a Mexican restaurant..the middle dinner is mine…three delicious fish tacos..YummmySunset at the RV park and MarinaHIKE WITH SAM_20090524_047 Our daughter graduated Hunter School of Social work Yesterday! We are so proud of her!

Congratulations Samarrah!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eye and Ear Candy.. Adam Lambert

Howdee all,

This blog post is dedicated to my sister Lori, who is a mega Adam fan. 

She knew I was in NYC, when she found out that Adam would be here she told me that she would Love me forever if I got his autograph for her…

I just needed a partner in crime…Cousin Ashala who lives in the city is also a off we went!

Ashala and I woke up bright and early to arrive on the CBS outdoor stage at 6:30.  It was very cold and windy and we froze our bums off!

We were on this mornings segment of The morning show….Mom and Sister saw me.

Adams segment didn't start until after 10am…it wont air until Thursday on CBS morning show.  

I don't think that I will be on the show Thursday. I didn't see any cameras come my way…but who cares…watch Adam!

I was told Adam will be on Regis and Kelly tomorrow and in Rockefeller center Thursday. If you are in the area…treat yourself to some Adam.

So here you are Sicksta Lori , I hope you enjoy the photos and video.

Wish you were with me!

Will you love me forever Sicksta Lori, for this photo of a very handsome Adam?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_018 He wasn't signing autographs..butt…butt…how about this photo..tee heeADAM LAMBERT_20090525_014

Will you love me forever for a little bit of Adam cuteness?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_020Will you love me forever for more cuteness?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_021Will you love me forever for this awesome smile shot?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_016

Will you love me forever for the thumbs up shot?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_029     Oh..I know you will love me forever, Sicksta Lori..autograph or not..

But i sure do wish I could have gotten one for you!

Enjoy the video…sorry about the shaking…we were wall to wall people..giddy girls and giddy boys! 

Monday, May 25, 2009

Forsythe NWR, NJ... Birding with birdie Friends

One very cool thing about birding is you meet other birders..and most birders are happy to share information..and to share birding experiences.

While birding one day last week …we saw a bird group from Cape May Bird Observatory. We recognized a gal we had met on a some of the walks we took in November and from a recent CMBO walk. She and her husband lead bird walks around the area for CMBO.

She asked if we wanted to join her the following day to bird Forsyth.

Of course we said yes..we are always happy to go out with other birders…We always learn something. We were joined by another birder from Canada.

We birded an 8-mile self-guided Wildlife Drive atop a dike system which separates 1,400 acres of fresh and brackish water wetlands from native salt marsh.

Great area for shorebirds! Ducks in the winter..very few now.

Forsythe NWR_20090521_040

We were told by a ranger of the refugee that a common nighthawk was flying over the first pond. It was noon…strange behavior..He said that the bird was out the past two days at the same time.

We didn't see the Night hawk but we did see some gorgeous Wood Ducks.

Forsythe NWR_20090521_001

We saw a few birds that were not expected! What was this Snow Goose doing here so late in the season? Forsythe NWR_20090521_009 Shouldn't it be further north? Go north young Snow Goose!Forsythe NWR_20090521_012A Life bird for us…Gull Billed TernForsythe NWR_20090521_014 I have not yet been able to photograph a flying bird. At least not well…This is one attempt. I tried many other times and end up with empty sky.

How the heck do you all do it? Give me some hints!

I find it hard to locate the bird in the viewfinder. I point and shoot and hope that I can get it!

Black skimmerForsythe NWR_20090521_004I found this area..below..quite beautiful! See all the small dots? Forsythe NWR_20090521_030Birds!

Dunlins here with one something bird…tee hee..where is Jeff? Forsythe NWR_20090521_032 Another duck that shouldn't have been here. Go north Bufflehead.

Forsythe NWR_20090521_035

Osprey hanging out in the grass..We saw quite a few Osprey in the Refugee.Forsythe NWR_20090521_037 Lee took us to a small town..outside of the 8 mile drive but still part of the refugee. Very scenic.Forsythe NWR_20090521_046 With a few Birds. What is this gull? Jeff says Herring..Forsythe NWR_20090521_047 This gull makes me Laugh! Hee hee..look at those knobby knees!Forsythe NWR_20090521_048

We had a great time birding Cape May..not enough time!

We are now in NYC visiting our Daughter..

will post some city stuff….later….

Friday, May 22, 2009

Nummy Island, NJ birding ( I am not a bird)

Two days ago Jeff and I birded Nummy Island. (I am not a bird)

Nummy Island is a large undeveloped salt marsh between the Stone Harbor free bridge to the north and the Grassy Sound toll bridge to the south. It is excellent for shorebirds, marsh birds, and wading birds, especially in spring, summer and fall. It is best at high tide when the shorebirds rest and forage in and around the salt ponds on both sides of the road.”

If you look closely in the Photo below you can see little dots.Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_029

   Look here..I will show you the birds I am taking about. This is kind of a review for me because I am still learning. (I am not a bird)

I am always having to ask Jeff about these birds. Very difficult for me to ID.

Semipalmated Plovers in foreground, Dunlins and Short-billed DowitchersNummy Island, NJ_20090520_071Look at the sizes and shapes of these birds. (nor am I turning into a bird)

The largest bird is a Willet the bird in the foreground is Short-blled Dowitcher the other two birds with the black belly are Dunlins,of course this is breeding plumage…easier to ID.Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_005 Compare the Dunlin top to the Short billed Dowitcher bottom the Dowitcher is a bit bigger than the Dunlin. (nope ..I am still not turning into a bird)

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_007

Short-billed Dowitcher bathing.I just love seeing all the individual feathers.

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_020Black-bellied Plover.. Wow..Love that breeding Plumage..I couldn't get a closer photo..but will try again this afternoon. (Me not a bird)

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_023

close up of the Dunlin…look at its black belly (not a bird..not me)Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_049Least Sandpiper…Yellowish legs (nope ..I am not a birdie)

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_063 Great Egret with first fish capture..tee hee

(I like birds but I am not one of them)Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_066Whimbrels with the long decurved bills

  hee hee ..not be be confused with  Long billed Curlews who's bills are so long I think they trip when they walk. (I have no bill,I am not a bird)Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_043this is one small bird that my camera seems to be able to photograph..

Warblers are evading me.

(probalbly because I am not a bird)Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_060     This picture below I call “woulda coulda shoulda”

The colors were amazing..I should have opened the car door and gone outside to get a shot with out the grasses… was windy and chilly and  (I am not a bird)

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_047

we left the salt marsh area and went to see what birds we could find at the shore.

(I am not a bird)

Sanderlings Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_093hee hee…look at the little fellow on the that some kind of new Sanderling dance? (I am still not a bird!)Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_096 Sanderilings check out the bill, the shape.Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_100( I am not a bird)

But these are…

Sanderlings doing what they do best!


I know that my Sickstas and mother think I am looking at and talking about and blogging about birds so much that they say I am turning into a bird…and will fly away soon.

Look Mom, Dad,Sickstas, brother,friends…See….I have no feathers

I am not a bird!

(though I have suspicions that Jeff is )

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_090

Well I think I will fly off now..I mean, go now…

Nummy Island, NJ_20090520_105    Chirp, chirp