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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eye and Ear Candy.. Adam Lambert

Howdee all,

This blog post is dedicated to my sister Lori, who is a mega Adam fan. 

She knew I was in NYC, when she found out that Adam would be here she told me that she would Love me forever if I got his autograph for her…

I just needed a partner in crime…Cousin Ashala who lives in the city is also a off we went!

Ashala and I woke up bright and early to arrive on the CBS outdoor stage at 6:30.  It was very cold and windy and we froze our bums off!

We were on this mornings segment of The morning show….Mom and Sister saw me.

Adams segment didn't start until after 10am…it wont air until Thursday on CBS morning show.  

I don't think that I will be on the show Thursday. I didn't see any cameras come my way…but who cares…watch Adam!

I was told Adam will be on Regis and Kelly tomorrow and in Rockefeller center Thursday. If you are in the area…treat yourself to some Adam.

So here you are Sicksta Lori , I hope you enjoy the photos and video.

Wish you were with me!

Will you love me forever Sicksta Lori, for this photo of a very handsome Adam?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_018 He wasn't signing autographs..butt…butt…how about this photo..tee heeADAM LAMBERT_20090525_014

Will you love me forever for a little bit of Adam cuteness?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_020Will you love me forever for more cuteness?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_021Will you love me forever for this awesome smile shot?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_016

Will you love me forever for the thumbs up shot?ADAM LAMBERT_20090525_029     Oh..I know you will love me forever, Sicksta Lori..autograph or not..

But i sure do wish I could have gotten one for you!

Enjoy the video…sorry about the shaking…we were wall to wall people..giddy girls and giddy boys! 


  1. Woweeeee!!! Now that IS loads of cuteness. Love the booty shot. He sure is a purdy looking man. I am so excited that you got to see him. Loved the video. Too bad it was windy which made it harder to hear but it was still great.. I think Lori will love you forever!!!!


    Cute OVERLOAD!
    The smile shot is worthy of People Magazine. DAY-UMMM!

    I love you forever for this! One good reason to troll Facebook--such treasures!

    Cougar Zick

  3. Yes I will love you forever sicksta. You got some wonderful photos and video. The smile photo looks like he was smiling at you...ha.
    He certainly is purdy tinky and he was the only reason I couldn't wait for Tuesday to see and hear what he would sing next. Such a mesmerizing talent he is.

  4. Cool blog. He IS a purdy boy. Maybe the purdiest boy or girl I have ever seen. But I don't get it where are all the birds?

  5. Dawn,

    Thank you!!!!!! You rock, girl - you know that?

    I knew you were in NYC for something good. I hope your Sicksta is happy :o)


  6. I love Adam too! I was sad that he lost but I'm sure he has a good career ahead of him. You are a good sister!!

  7. He's a honey. And you have and are a lucky siksta.

  8. True treasures make true friends! This was SO fun and CUTE! Felt like I was there with you and swooning!

  9. Fun shots! One of my sisters is also a big fan and lives only a few miles from his old high school in San Diego (where his AI homecoming party was held)--but didn't find out about it until after the fact. I'm so glad your diligence paid off!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing these photos and video of Adam. He is just so adorable. I really wish I could see him in person one day

  11. crack me up! Fun post...what a sweet sister you are...

  12. Now, THAT is dedication! He'll do well, probably better than if he had been the winner. Cutie pie for sure!

  13. LOL - I bet you had a blast getting those shots (he looks like he had a blast smilng for you!) That's what I call a true and dedicated Sicksta on a great mission. She will love you forever for sure!

    And ... NYC? (seems so fast you arrived there!) Time flies when you're having fun ... and chasing cutie pies like Adam!

  14. Dawn,your sister will definitely love u forever because you love her so much.
    The cool pictures taken by you shows the love for her which are more than an autograph.

  15. Howdie all...
    i am just leaving one comment back to you all...I am soooooooo tired...been so busy here in NYC...planning a party for our daughters grad on saturday..running around buying stuff for it...
    Tommorow get up early to go to the Graduation..
    So thanks for you comments!

    I am glad you enjoyed the Eye and Ear Candy! Wish you all could have been there with me..
    I am now thinking of what a crazy scene we all would have made..
    I am hearing Julie with her Cougar cry...and all of us screaming and yelling and carrying on.
    tee hee..
    its fun to be 16 again!

  16. I don't know who that is but I'm glad you are enjoying your stay in NYC!

  17. Appalachian Lady..
    U dont know Adam Lambert..I guess not every one watches American Idol.

  18. Great great shots....I am a fan too, I think he was great on the show!

  19. Aaaaahh! He is so freakin' adorable! I just LOVE Adam! It's great that he's going to make an album but I think one of his best qualities is watching him perform.

    Who cares if he's gay, he's still HOT!!!

    Nice shots Dawn! Wish he had sang Ring of Fire instead as I think he's best in his uptempo songs where he really belts it out.

  20. Sandy
    he was awesome...handsome fellow too!

    A New England Life
    Yeah..I loved his ring of fire song too...Yeah gay..who cares..I can look..tee hee..

  21. It's not very macho of me to admit this but I watch the show with my wife.-I thought he did a great job singing queen and some of his obscure tunes.

  22. This pic is really cute and also the place somewhat romantic. Nice photo of Adam.
    Great post.

  23. It was very interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

  24. So does your sister agree for the photos instead the autograph?)))


ok what do you really think?????