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Monday, May 25, 2009

Forsythe NWR, NJ... Birding with birdie Friends

One very cool thing about birding is you meet other birders..and most birders are happy to share information..and to share birding experiences.

While birding one day last week …we saw a bird group from Cape May Bird Observatory. We recognized a gal we had met on a some of the walks we took in November and from a recent CMBO walk. She and her husband lead bird walks around the area for CMBO.

She asked if we wanted to join her the following day to bird Forsyth.

Of course we said yes..we are always happy to go out with other birders…We always learn something. We were joined by another birder from Canada.

We birded an 8-mile self-guided Wildlife Drive atop a dike system which separates 1,400 acres of fresh and brackish water wetlands from native salt marsh.

Great area for shorebirds! Ducks in the winter..very few now.

Forsythe NWR_20090521_040

We were told by a ranger of the refugee that a common nighthawk was flying over the first pond. It was noon…strange behavior..He said that the bird was out the past two days at the same time.

We didn't see the Night hawk but we did see some gorgeous Wood Ducks.

Forsythe NWR_20090521_001

We saw a few birds that were not expected! What was this Snow Goose doing here so late in the season? Forsythe NWR_20090521_009 Shouldn't it be further north? Go north young Snow Goose!Forsythe NWR_20090521_012A Life bird for us…Gull Billed TernForsythe NWR_20090521_014 I have not yet been able to photograph a flying bird. At least not well…This is one attempt. I tried many other times and end up with empty sky.

How the heck do you all do it? Give me some hints!

I find it hard to locate the bird in the viewfinder. I point and shoot and hope that I can get it!

Black skimmerForsythe NWR_20090521_004I found this area..below..quite beautiful! See all the small dots? Forsythe NWR_20090521_030Birds!

Dunlins here with one something bird…tee hee..where is Jeff? Forsythe NWR_20090521_032 Another duck that shouldn't have been here. Go north Bufflehead.

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Osprey hanging out in the grass..We saw quite a few Osprey in the Refugee.Forsythe NWR_20090521_037 Lee took us to a small town..outside of the 8 mile drive but still part of the refugee. Very scenic.Forsythe NWR_20090521_046 With a few Birds. What is this gull? Jeff says Herring..Forsythe NWR_20090521_047 This gull makes me Laugh! Hee hee..look at those knobby knees!Forsythe NWR_20090521_048

We had a great time birding Cape May..not enough time!

We are now in NYC visiting our Daughter..

will post some city stuff….later….


  1. Nice blog with lots of birds. I like that knobby kneed gull too. He was all so very serious and business like except for the silly knees.

  2. Dawn, love the pics and I think your flying pic better than any i ever got. Can't wait to see my own wood ducks in person, lover their look. Cheers.


  3. Hey,have u taken these pictures on your own.They look so professional!
    These birds are really cute

  4. So, you were here, and gone. I had hoped you would stay a while. Glad you found fellow birders and enjoyed the stay.

  5. Poor li'l goose! I wonder if that bad overbite has something to do with it still being in NJ when all the other Snows are having fundra on the tundra?

  6. I like the last photo Dawn. Luv the knobby knees.
    Let me know if you run into Birding Bob of NYC. He gave me a lot of info on screech owls when we had the babies out back of my house.

  7. Gosh, I LOVE your route. Cape New York City! What an adventure and how terrific to have a daughter there.

    Can't wait to see the birds in NYC. I'll bet some will be wearing clothes. LOL!

  8. Knobby kneed Gulls and left behind Snow Goose and Bufflehead. Excellent post and a good flight shot!

    When I do my flight shots I use AI Servo mode, use the center focus point (other 10 focus points are turned off) use the view finder to find the bird and fire away.

    See you and Jeff next month!

  9. Great post and wonderful pictures, Dawn! I'd guess (mostly from the size and coloring) that the bird butt featured with the Dunlins may be a Sanderling. We saw those two together down here in Texas about a month ago, so I'd guess they'll be moving through the New Jersey area about the same time as well. And the relative sizes seem to be about what I remember...?

  10. WOW ....they sure look a lot better than the pigeons I see in New York all day.

  11. Great shot of the flying Black Skimmer! Black Skimmers are one of my favorite sea birds.

  12. I wished I could have done some birding when I was in the NYC area last year. Great pictures and interesting post.

  13. LOVE that skimmer photo....

  14. What a beautiful place. What wonderful birds you get to see! The skimmer in flight is a great shot - you've got it! tee-hee... the knobby knees on that handsome gull made me lol...

    "when you get caught between the moon and NYC.... " (Don't be painting that big city too late) : )

  15. Adele,
    Hee hee..I love those knees.

    You will love seeing wood ducks in person..they are so amazingly beautiful.

    US Pictures
    Yes I take all the photos myself..thanks for the complement.

    yes ..we was a short visit this time..hopefully our next visit will be longer!

    Bisbee Border Birder Bloggers
    hee hee..overbite is right!

    No sign of birding bob..haa but ..we only birded one morning in Central park. Too busy with Graduation plans..I am so behind in all my fav blog reading!

    yes it has been a nice spring journey! I really havent taken many photos of birdies..but did you check out the cutie on my lastest post?

    John..I am just going to have you give me a short lesson on photography when I see you in June!

    yeah..i am pretty sure you could be right about the sanderling..or is it a semi palmated plover?

    King of New York Hacks
    Hee hee..go to central park..prettier birds there!

    Daniel Spurgeon
    Oh thanks..yeah Black Skimmers are so cool looking!

    Lots of good places to bird around here..maybe next time you are in the area!

    Laura K.
    Thanks! I was thinking it was ok for my first in flight!

    I am nyc exhausted! Lots of running around for daughters Grad party and planning...I might get back to normal by monday.

  16. Great pictures Dawn -- my favorite is the osprey sitting on the ground. What a beautiful bird!

  17. I must have missed this post.. Love all the birdies. I'm glad you met up with some other birders.. Keep those fine feathered friends coming..


ok what do you really think?????