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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fire in late Autumn..

Howdee all,

Its nice to finally be here in NC at Sicksta Dell and Craigys.

When we arrived the Oak and Hickory trees had let most of their leaves go and it was a big leafy mess in Sickstas garden.

NC_001So…Sicksta raked…and Craigy burned some of the leaves..

NC_005NC_007Jack supervised..

NC_004I took this particular day off..


The following day I raked leaves, put them on a tarp and dragged them to the back yard . I cleared the area in preparation for Jeff and Homeys arrival next week.

I set up the bird feeders.

I am wondering where the Robins and Cedar Waxwings are..they seem a bit late this year.

NC_010Jack and Kali in their new orange scarves. 

Its hunting season here…and one cant be too careful.



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