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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Autumn in the garden of Dell and Craigys


Its that time of year..the garden is starting to go into winters slumber..

NC dells_016Some of Craigys hearts hanging from the entry trellis,

Craigy makes hearts for Sicksta..

NC dells_046Sicsksta Dell likes garden statues and art..

Anyone want to contribute some garden art?

NC dells_017Camellia's bloom this time of year.

NC dells_048The grasses showing off their dried mops..

NC dells_045NC dells_043The old shed in the back yard is falling apart slowly..

One of these years it will be torn down..

NC dells_044Another Craigy heart on the entry path…Sicksta embedded it between home made pavers and shiny blue glass beads.NC dells_018

Craigys blue bomb~I mean truck..;0

NC dells_019Another piece of garden art..NC dells_020That gets moved around from time to time, when things need moving to the dump.

NC dells_022I wonder how he sees out of these foggy side mirrors..

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I wander out of the yard and into the field next door..Its for sale…the field and 20 acres that go down to a small stream.

NC dells_034NC dells_029It’s a pretty used to be mowed and planted with crops to attract deer for the neighbor who was a hunter.

The neighbor passed away and the field has gone to the grasses and wildflowers..

Good place in the spring to look for Indigo buntings and Blue Grosbeaks..and other purdy birdies.

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Back in the yard I check out the area near the home made rock patio..

When I am here it is always filled ….its strange to see it empty.

This sandy space is waiting for Homey and Jeff…and so am I ..

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  1. Dawn, your sister's yard and home looks lovely. I like the hearts. My son would probably like that blue bomb. He likes working on old trucks. Wonderful photos, have a great week.

  2. I love this time of year..sbtle colors, bare bones of trees..Hope Jeff and Homey arrive soon!

  3. Love your sister's yard, in all seasons. In fact the tall grasses are marvelous. Really like have all that natural acreage next door. Hope it stays that way.

  4. Very nice... you should buy the lot next door!!!
    Have fun

  5. Dawn, you must be an expert at waiting by now!

  6. Howdee Friends..

    Thanks for stopping by.
    It really is a lovely spot here. Its nice living next door to my Sicksta~~

    I waited patiently for Jeff, Homey and my belongings to arrive.Like Kathie said..I am an expert of waiting..hee hee.

    Eileen~that blue truck gets allot of lookers..but Craig loves it too much to sell is very cool looking.

    Gaeylyn~The acreage has been for sale for over 10 years..they are asking too much..which is probably a blessing.

    See you all again!


ok what do you really think?????