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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Birding~Second time around..BwBTC

Howdee all,

Wow..time flies when you are having fun..Jeff and I have been very  busy with family and friends here in MA.

We were lucky enough to squeeze in not one but two BwBTC outings while here…It was the weather that made our one outing into two. Despite two outings~There were a few birder friends that didn’t show up because of forecasted rain for both events. Hope to get together again next year.

I cant express enough how kind, helpful and considerate these birders are. We had a super time.

This was another day that was supposed to be a complete wash out.

Several of us braved the forecast..

Plum Island, Ma

BwBTC Plum _001Luckily we had no rain..

BwBTC Plum Island_001Just drizzle and fog.. Waldo stayed inside ..he forgot his rain gear..

BwBTC Plum Island_002We birded a few areas… Catching a nice warbler run..right off the main road.

We also took a few paths…

BwBTC Plum _004Finding a few more warbler sp.

BwBTC Plum _005Kathie has wearing her “Porta Potty” rain coat.

BwBTC Plum _006yeah..we are all a bit nuts..and a~corny~

BwBTC Plum _011Onto another area~BwBTC Plum _013Some of the birders were able to get photos of the American Bittern here..

My camera couldn’t reach.

BwBTC Plum _015Onto the Beach…

BwBTC Plum _017Kathie shows off her Porta poncho…

BwBTC Plum _018Gull in fog..

BwBTC Plum _019Birders in fog..BwBTC Plum _021Birders and birds in fog..see the birds ..Lots of shorebirds here..

BwBTC Plum _022The sky did not delight like the last post here the week before..

 BwBTC Plum _025

but~ the sand was screaming with purple..

BwBTC Plum _026

Hope you People on purple…

BwBTC Plum _027

Kathie on Purple..

BwBTC Plum _028

Diana on purple..

BwBTC Plum _029

BwBTC Plum _030BwBTC Plum _031Purple patterns..

BwBTC Plum _034BwBTC Plum Island_013BwBTC Plum Island_014There were plenty of shorebirds to IDBwBTC Plum Island_023

BwBTC Plum Island_009BwBTC Plum Island_012

BwBTC Plum Island_018Dan and Christopher checking out some birds~

BwBTC Plum Island_020The end of the beach~Gull and Tern hang out..

BwBTC Plum Island_027BwBTC Plum Island_028BwBTC Plum Island_034

Christopher surrounded by Birds..

BwBTC Plum Island_041Tern town..BwBTC Plum Island_043As we were birding..someone spotted this floating grassy raft…with Shorebirds on it..

How's that for a raft of birds?BwBTC Plum Island_044

We had a super day with~

The gang..

BwBTC Plum _036

Kathie Brown of Kathie's Birds
Christopher and Pamela Ciccone  ~Picus Blog

Diana Fruguglietti and Paul Ippolito~Travelling Birders

Daniel Huber of  Nature Observances

Jeff and Dawn Fine

And Waldo..

BwBTC Plum _039


Birds of the Day Via Dan Huber~ebird list

66 species (+1 other taxa) total

Canada Goose
American Wigeon
American Black Duck
Green-winged Teal
White-winged Scoter
Wild Turkey
Double-crested Cormorant
American Bittern
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Northern Harrier
Peregrine Falcon
Black-bellied Plover
Semipalmated Plover
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Hudsonian Godwit
Red Knot
Semipalmated Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Short-billed/Long-billed Dowitcher
Bonaparte's Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Forster's Tern
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Belted Kingfisher
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Phoebe
Blue-headed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Nashville Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart
Cape May Warbler
Northern Parula
Blackpoll Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Eastern Towhee
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-winged Blackbird
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch


  1. Dawn, love the purple shots - my people on purple and especially the purple patterns! Kathie and her porta poncho is too funny! Thanks for sharing your day with us,

  2. Hi Dawn, Very nice report on your birding adventure. One thing is for sure: you guys are dedicated birders! Another thing: This just goes to show that birding can be fun even when the weather isn't. Thanks for sharing! John

  3. Wow, that's quite a list of birds you saw. Love the purple beach images! Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful birding adventure despite the less than desirable weather. Thanks for sharing, it's always fun to read about your birding excursions.

  4. Dawn, what a Fine Day we had! LOL! I would do it all again! and that poncho kept me and all my gear dry! I loved meeting everyone. Love all the purple pictures! You could've named one, "Purple on Purple!"

  5. Looks like a good day birding even if a little foggy. What makes the beach so purple?

  6. Dawn, looks like a nice day of birding except for the weather. It would be nice of the weather copperated with our birding outings. Enjoying the time with your birding friends is always nice. I enjoyed the photos, especially the purple sand shots. Have a great weekend and happy birding.

  7. You are an intrepid bunch! I couldn't afford 5 hours in the car and $50 in gas but maybe I really missed out on an interesting day. You all passed the birders' bad weather test while I still have to prove myself :-)

  8. I see that Kathie was wearing her "Stealth" gear Dawn. {:)

  9. Ha! Birders in a fog..sounds familiar ;-) I like the heavy metal sands..

  10. Hey, was that boardwalk on Audubon property on Cape Cod? No? Shot in the dark. I've been wanting a bittern picture for years and finally got one this summer. I could use some vertical stripes on my neck, myself.

  11. KatNell said...
    Thanks for you nice comment. Glad you liked the purple stuff...and Kathies Porta Potty Poncho..hee hee...It is becoming famous!

    John's Island
    Hi..Thanks for your comment. So true~birding can be fun in just about any weather..

    Julie G.
    Thanks Julie~We did have a great list of birds. Happy you enjoyed the Purple beach shots. We did have a great time despite the drizzly day. Always nice to have you visit! :)

    Howdee Deary~it was a FINE day for sure. Your poncho will be famous!

    I have no idea why the beach was so purple..great question! I will have to google that.

    Thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked my purple shots! I know I dont comment on your blog much..but I do always love to read it and try to comment either on twitter or facebook..

    Hilke Breder
    Will will get you on one of your outings yet! Wished you were with us!

    Roy said...
    Roy~its her Porta Potty..hee hee..

    Cindy you know what makes the sand purple?

    Murr Brewster
    The boardwalk is on Plum shot wrong. I will get a bittern shot some day..glad you got one.. I have stripes on my neck..oh no..those are wrinkles..hummm


ok what do you really think?????