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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snow in October

Howdee all,

Considering how it could have been for us…

We fared quite well.

Just a few inches and the area has power.

Blizzard Oct 29_003We cleaned up the cars and the drive…

Blizzard Oct 29_004The roads are already clear

Blizzard Oct 29_005I placed some seeds on top of the snow for the birds..

 Blizzard Oct 29_006

Blizzard Oct 29_007That’s mom in the distance..We cleaned her car and Dad drove the car around to make sure it was safe before she left for Church.

Blizzard Oct 29_010Frosty pumpkins

Blizzard Oct 29_012An early winter wonderland..Blizzard Oct 29_014Bella enjoyed the snow…

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From the news reports, Most of CT is out of power..

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We were ready for the worst parents have a generator and so does Homey.

We would have been fine.

Blizzard Oct 29_016The flowers didn’t fare so well~

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Frozen pink petals..

Blizzard Oct 29_020The leaves aren't happy.

Trees and branches are laden down with snow and breaking, under its weight.

  They weren't ready to give up their autumn glory, so soon..,,,

to the heavy blanket of white.

Blizzard Oct 29_027

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Storms a comin

Howdee all,

We are expecting a Noreaster.
On the coast here in CT. The weather forecasters haven't figured out how much snowfall we might get. I have heard anything between sleet and five inches.

Not too much snow in the scheme of things.. Other areas will be harder hit.
With leaves still on the trees still screaming out autumn, this could potentially be a big mess.
They expect power outages from fallen trees and limbs.

So- yesterday...I tried to savor what autumn looks like.
It hasn't even peaked here yet.. Still allot of green that hasn't changed to its autumn color.

Before the snow coats the colors with a blanket of white.

It's chilly here in CT

We don't leave here until after the 6th sometime.
We will do a slow migration south.

Stopping In NC for a month or so to visit Sicksta.
We may stop and visit a few birds on the way.. Not sure where yet- perhaps Cape May or the Outer Banks of NC.

For now- we wait for the storm.

To cover the color of autumn.

All photos taken with iPod touch.
Post written with Blogger+ app.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Puff Balls and Paparazzi?

Howdee all,


What do four hikers do when they see puffball mushrooms in the woods?

Sniff them?

Pick them?

Eat them?

Admire them?



They create a

Woodland princess..


The Paparazzi were all over that!


No mushrooms were harmed in the making of this blog post.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are you Getting yours?

Howdee all,


Are you getting your 20 bird minimum requirement of birds?


20 Bird MDR Small

“The former Bird RDA is now the 20 Bird Minimum Daily Requirement.  This new designation more clearly states the purpose of the distinction--that birders need to see a minimum number of species each day in order to stay sharp. .”

Click here to read more…

This is how Birdchaser Rob Fergus is getting his

Gunnar of Birdingblogs is getting his..

I am trying each day to get mine..

Thanks Rob Fergus for this great concept…

I don’t always get mine…but, I try!


Add the above image to your blog and link back Robs original post so that others will know what this is all about.

Now~Go out and Get Yours!

A chilly fall day~Lantern Hill

Howdee all,

Sunday ~ Jeff and I went for a hike up Lantern Hill with Sicksta Tink and her hubby Joe.

The colors weren't as vibrant as last years hike.

I don’t know if we are just a bit too early or its just not going to be as colorful as last year.

Its getting chilly here in Connecticut and soon we will head south..

But, until then…lets go for a walk…

Lantern Hill

 Lantern Hill Hike_004Sicksta found two sleeping black birds…

Lantern Hill Hike_018Black Vultures~just waking from a morning nap.

Lantern Hill Hike_022We hiked to an overlook …

Lantern Hill Hike_023Where we hung out for a bit ..taking in the scene…

Lantern Hill Hike_026We watched a chipmunk eat a mushroom..

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I was hoping to find some edible mushrooms that were familiar to me..

I didn’t..

Tree base bursting with mushrooms…

Lantern Hill Hike_035

Mushroom Idontknowus..butverycoolus

Lantern Hill Hike_034Leaf on Lichen..

Lantern Hill Hike_037Maple and Pine…

Lantern Hill Hike_038Hiking up a bit higher..

Lantern Hill Hike_042Leaves in fall glory~

Most of the colorful leaves I found were small saplings.

Lantern Hill Hike_040Lantern Hill Hike_061Lantern Hill Hike_044Foxwoods Casino in the distance…

Lantern Hill Hike_046Lantern Hill Hike_047More shrooms~

Lantern Hill Hike_049Lantern Hill Hike_051Lantern Hill Hike_054We hiked from the top of the hill down toward the pond ..

Lantern Hill Hike_057I heart this lichen..

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Pond reflecting fall’s color…

Lantern Hill Hike_067

I loved this color combination

Lantern Hill Hike_070The woods around the pond were golden

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 Lantern Hill Hike_081

A lovey Autumn hike…

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