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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Storms a comin

Howdee all,

We are expecting a Noreaster.
On the coast here in CT. The weather forecasters haven't figured out how much snowfall we might get. I have heard anything between sleet and five inches.

Not too much snow in the scheme of things.. Other areas will be harder hit.
With leaves still on the trees still screaming out autumn, this could potentially be a big mess.
They expect power outages from fallen trees and limbs.

So- yesterday...I tried to savor what autumn looks like.
It hasn't even peaked here yet.. Still allot of green that hasn't changed to its autumn color.

Before the snow coats the colors with a blanket of white.

It's chilly here in CT

We don't leave here until after the 6th sometime.
We will do a slow migration south.

Stopping In NC for a month or so to visit Sicksta.
We may stop and visit a few birds on the way.. Not sure where yet- perhaps Cape May or the Outer Banks of NC.

For now- we wait for the storm.

To cover the color of autumn.

All photos taken with iPod touch.
Post written with Blogger+ app.


  1. Great series Dawn!

    We drove through a noreaster in Vermont last year and it was no fun. Maybe sit back with a hot toddy and wait till it clears.

  2. The forecast is awful! Snow in Oct... egads!

  3. Hi Dawn, I clicked on the link from facebook. It is working for me now. Your photos are beautiful, the reflections and colors are stunnng. Have a safe trip migrating south.

  4. Lovely that last sunset pic, gorgeous!!!

  5. These are lovely! Hope your weather doesn't get too bad!

  6. Gorgeous photos Dawney! I hope you fair okay during the storm!

  7. Beautiful pics Dawn! I especially love the water pictures. Not sure what to expect here in Mass.- I haven't been watching the news. But I'm sure we can count on a slushy-rainy mix at the very least. Stay safe!

  8. That was an early snow storm! I am impressed that your post was done with an iPod touch. I have been seriously considering getting a new one (mine is 3 years old, absolutely ancient!) and this may have convinced me to go ahead.

  9. Very artistic and beautiful images Dawn.

  10. You will have to tell me about this blogger plus app! Great shots! Glad you survived the storm!

  11. Thanks friends for you comments.

    I am so friggen behind in responding....I wish I didnt let this happen..but it did.

    I will sound like a broken record to some..but here goes.
    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to your comments and respond to them.

    It has been a difficult month to say the least. I didn't realize that I was all consumed and even though I had times when i could have commented and responded to comments I just couldn't find the strength to do it.

    Now that Colin is well again and life is happy again..
    I will try to catch up with all of you.


ok what do you really think?????