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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

South Beach Birding, Cape Cod

Howdee all,

Yesterday we joined a group to bird

South Beach, Chatham Ma,

Mary Noonan Keleher, a facebook friend,  invited us to tag along.

birding south beach_001 (1)We took the first water taxi out of Outermost Harbor, to South Beach.

We paid an extra 10 dollars to get a drop off closer to North Cove.

birding south beach_002 (1)Below is a map of South Beach and Monomoy If you want to Bird South Beach check out this link.

The map is there as well


It was supposed to be a stormy morning….but we got lucky…

birding south beach_010 (1)The storm moved out of the area sooner than expected.

birding south beach_003 (1)We birded the inner beach and then moved south toward North Cove area..

See Map above.

birding south beach_004 (1)

Mary brought her daughter Ashley along…Ashley birded with us and also keep herself busy by creating art..

birding south beach_011 (1)And Jumping over waves…

birding south beach_067We walked thru sandy beaches..

birding south beach_014 (1)

And shallow water..

birding south beach_006

Semipalmated Plover

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Semipalmated sandpiper?

I still suck at shorebirding…

birding south beach_011Scads of Tern

birding south beach_016

Gull trying to get a free lunch..birding south beach_018Least Sandpiper

I feel like a beginning birder when it comes to shorebirds…

birding south beach_021Black-bellied Plover

A few birds like this Plover, are easier for me to ID

birding south beach_024Whimbrel

And these..well~what else could they be?

birding south beach_026Sanderling

 birding south beach_028

Ruddy Turnstone

Easy ID for me :)birding south beach_032


birding south beach_030Checking out the birds…

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Snowy Egrets~dance fishing

birding south beach_048Looking for Pelagics

Wilson’s Storm Petral

Life bird for us!

Why have we never seen this bird before? There were hundreds of them flying low over the water.

 birding south beach_066 Whimbrel

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A fun day for all ~

Thanks to Mary for inviting us to tag along!

birding south beach_068Birds of the Day

Double-crested Cormorant
Northern Gannet
Herring Gull
Laughing Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Northern Harrier
Green Heron
Great Blue Heron
Horned Lark
American Oystercatcher
Wilson's Storm Petrel
Semipalmated Plover,
Piping Plover
Semipalmated Sandpiper

Red Knot

Snowy Egret
Pectoral Sandpiper
Cory's Shearwater
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Barn Swallow
Tree Swallow
Black Tern
Common Tern
Forster's Tern
Roseate Tern
Least Tern
Ruddy Turnstone


  1. What a great day of birding for you all... I wouldn't have known even one! Not that I wouldn't like to. Loved the photos & the post!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  2. What a great place to go birding, and learn more shore birds.

  3. Looks like a wonderful area to go birding. That's quite a list you have there. Congratulations on the lifer! I too have difficulty identifying shorebirds. Blogs like your help me though. Terrific post, as always!

  4. That looks like a great place to bird--beautiful, lots of birds, and nice folks to go with. I always like to go out in nature with young people--I learn a lot from them.

  5. Lovely pictures and awesome photography.

  6. Looks like a really fun day Dawn.


  7. South Beach is a hard place to get to! I envy you! Sounds like you had a terrific day to judge by the pix and the list of birds. I wonder what birding would be like on Cape Cod after Irene has passed through. Might bring many pelagics close to shore.

  8. What a wonderful birding day! I suck at shorebird ID much, much worse than you. Of course it's not as if we get lots of shorebirding opportunities in NM. I'm working really hard now, and I'm birding vicariously through you. :)

  9. Ha! You're on Cape cod..good night Irene! Anyway..LI should slow it down..Great post as usual. Hope to see you in October!

  10. Great post! I enjoyed it very much. I used to vacation in Chatham when I was a child. Lovely spot.

  11. squawmama
    Thanks~ I have sooo much to learn about shorebird ID...I think it will take me a lifetime!

    It really is a great place to be for migration this time of far as learning..I think I know a bird and then realize i dont...this will take me years ...I wish birds came with name tags

    Julie G.
    Dont go by my ID..I could lead you astray..hee hee

    Appalachian Lady
    yes..its a beautiful place. I like to go into nature with the young also...always learning from them.

    Math Resources
    Thanks kindly!

    Dan Huber
    Thanks was a blast!

    Hilke Breder
    Hilke must take the boat to South Beach sometime..great birding there..Audubon has guided trips too!

    Linda Rockwell
    I cant image you could suck more at shorebirding than me..We should go shorebirding together again!

    Thank Goodness Irene was kind to us here! Hope all went well with you too! Hope too see you soon!

    Thanks! You must come back and vacation here again!


ok what do you really think?????