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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brown Booby Baby!

Howdee all,

Yeah..we saw it!

Corporation Beach~Dennis, Ma.

We missed this bird a few days ago…timing just wasn’t right.

Tonight around seven~ on our way back to Chatham from a long day out with Jeff's 91 year old mother..

I went on my itouch…

A facebook friend,Dan Furbish, had posted on my wall fifteen minutes earlier that the Brown Booby was being seen at Corporation Beach and to get my butt over there…

This is what he wrote

Dan Furbish
Dawn, I just got a phone call. The Brown Booby is being seen right NOW on Corporation beach in Dennis, MA. GO u will still have light !!

We were cutting it close~it was around seven..we were at least fifteen minutes away…The sun would be setting in a half hour….We had a quart of Ice-cream in the car…which we promptly put into a cooler and put things in high gear, hoping to make it there before it got dark or the bird flew.

  We made it to the beach just as the sun was setting, I dashed out of the car and ran to where I saw birders…


My photo of the Brown Booby..right side of rock..

not so good…

Immature Brown Booby

Brown Booby_001Luckily Alex Burdo was there..

He digiscoped a few for me..

Thanks Alex!

Brown Booby_003Alex is a truly amazing 15 year old birder…

I will never be in his league..

but that’s ok..

Brown Booby_004If you have never seen his blog..

check it out!

Flight of the Scrub Jay

Brown Booby_005We didn’t have our scope with us…

Alex let us look thru his scope for some nice views of the bird.

Brown Booby_006It was Soooo  very see this bird and also to meet Alex Burdo and Kathy Doyon the only other birders checking out this rare Brown Booby..

Brown Booby_007It was getting dark and time to leave..

Brown Booby_009

Jeff's mom, was a trooper, She had to climb up and down this area to see the bird..

Here she is climbing back up…Brown Booby_011Not bad for a 91 year old…

Brown Booby_012

Special thanks to Dan Furbish for letting me know about the Brown Booby!

Read Alex Burdo’s post of the Brown Booby


  1. 15 year old birder.. good to see such young nature lovers!! :) Nice clicks too... :)

  2. Quite a blog this young fella has. It's great that he is into this "obsession" at such a young age.

    There was a Brown Booby photographed off Portland, Maine from a whale watch cruise about two weeks ago. I believe it would be the first recorded Brown Booby in Maine waters.

    Great post and photos Dawn!

  3. First I want to say how wonderful that a 15 year old has such a wholesome hobby!!! Good for him! Loved the photos and glad you got to see the Brown Booby Baby!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  4. Congratulations on the Brown Booby baby sighting. Very exciting! I'm impressed with Alex the young birder ... as well as the stamina of Jeff's spry mom!

  5. How exciting!!

    PS - Kudos to Jeff's mom too!

  6. Congrats! Lucky you! I have been reading all the posts on the Brown Booby on the MassBird List and looked at all of Alex's pix. I am green with envy!

  7. Congrats on your Brown Booby baby! A great sighting. It is wonderful how bird sightings can be passed around. BTW, I think your MIL is great, a real trooper..

  8. Very cool seeing a booby and a baby at that!

  9. Thanks everyone! It certainly was very exciting to see this bird here on Cape Cod. Wish you all get a chance to see a bird like this.

    We will be on the Cape thru the Hurricane...Might see a few birds here that we wouldn't normally see.

    I suppose all you east coasters might get some Pelagics as well..keep looking. Stay Safe during Irene!
    Happy Birding!

  10. Great bird to see-congratulations!
    Alex burdo does have a reputation as great birder-and only 15! I'll never be in his league either-I'm not sure if I'm even in the same sport.

  11. Larry~yeah I think I am in a different sport too!


ok what do you really think?????