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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunset~Hardings Beach, Chatham, Ma

Howdee all,

Last night I packed a picnic dinner and we headed out to Harding's Beach to catch the sunset.

sunset harding beach chatham_002The no-see-ums were out and we ended up eating dinner in the car..

sunset harding beach chatham_003After dinner we braved the bugs for a short beach walk..

sunset harding beach chatham_006and a few photos..

sunset harding beach chatham_012

Other than a few downed trees, minor electrical outages and a few boats that were beached….Irene was kind here..

Wishing all that were affected adversely~~ a speedy recovery and rebuilding after the storm.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hello Irene~Chatham, Ma

Howdee all,

We haven't seen the brunt of the storm shouldn’t be too bad here in Chatham, Ma.

We had a nice walk early morning and late morning took a drive around town.

The winds had picked up.Irene~Late morning_001

There was minor flooding, in a few low lying areas.

Irene~Late morning_002We drove to Lighthouse beach..

Irene~Late morning_005Young girls having fun using sheets for sails..

Irene~Late morning_004The parking lot was full…Storm chasers..

Irene~Late morning_006No swimming allowed today..

Irene~Late morning_009Though..there were Board surfers going out to check out the surf..

Irene~Late morning_010I walked to the beach..

view looking south

Irene~Late morning_014I was sandblasted…I look five years younger now Smile

view looking north..

Irene~Late morning_017View toward the lighthouse..

Irene~Late morning_019Sand sailing..

Irene~Late morning_020Board sailing..

Irene~Late morning_022

Hello Irene…thanks for being kind to us so far..

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Waiting for Hurricane Irene

Howdee all,

The shops of downtown Chatham, Ma are boarding up..

before Hurricane Irene~Chatham_004In preparation of Irene..

before Hurricane Irene~Chatham_005before Hurricane Irene~Chatham_006Chatham light

Hurricane Warning Flags..

before Hurricane Irene~Chatham_012Stay safe my east coast friends and family!

before Hurricane Irene~Chatham_013

I will try to post during and after storm photos here…

Friday, August 26, 2011

Batten Down the hatches~Irene’s coming

Howdee all,

We are still on Cape Cod and will weather out Hurricane Irene here.

I hope all my east coast family and friends stay safe!

I wonder what the Cape will look like after the storm.

Will this bridge still be passable after the storm?

Cape Cod_004

Will these boats still be nestled alongside the pier?

Cape Cod_008Will the Coast Guard boats be going out on rescue missions?

Cape Cod_007What will the birds do?

Cape Cod_010This ones not too concerned right now..

Cape Cod_011

Where will the Grey and Harbor Seal go? They like hanging out on the sand bar…will it still be here..or moved to another area?

Cape Cod_076How will South Beach look after the storm?

Cape Cod_012From current storm tracks~it looks like the Cape will be getting a tropical storm..

Of course that could all change..

Cape Cod_070

We are here nestled in behind a family home…Will go to the house when the storm hits.

Homey at the Cape_001

Take care East Coasters

Batten Down the Hatches!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

South Beach Birding, Cape Cod

Howdee all,

Yesterday we joined a group to bird

South Beach, Chatham Ma,

Mary Noonan Keleher, a facebook friend,  invited us to tag along.

birding south beach_001 (1)We took the first water taxi out of Outermost Harbor, to South Beach.

We paid an extra 10 dollars to get a drop off closer to North Cove.

birding south beach_002 (1)Below is a map of South Beach and Monomoy If you want to Bird South Beach check out this link.

The map is there as well


It was supposed to be a stormy morning….but we got lucky…

birding south beach_010 (1)The storm moved out of the area sooner than expected.

birding south beach_003 (1)We birded the inner beach and then moved south toward North Cove area..

See Map above.

birding south beach_004 (1)

Mary brought her daughter Ashley along…Ashley birded with us and also keep herself busy by creating art..

birding south beach_011 (1)And Jumping over waves…

birding south beach_067We walked thru sandy beaches..

birding south beach_014 (1)

And shallow water..

birding south beach_006

Semipalmated Plover

birding south beach_012

Semipalmated sandpiper?

I still suck at shorebirding…

birding south beach_011Scads of Tern

birding south beach_016

Gull trying to get a free lunch..birding south beach_018Least Sandpiper

I feel like a beginning birder when it comes to shorebirds…

birding south beach_021Black-bellied Plover

A few birds like this Plover, are easier for me to ID

birding south beach_024Whimbrel

And these..well~what else could they be?

birding south beach_026Sanderling

 birding south beach_028

Ruddy Turnstone

Easy ID for me :)birding south beach_032


birding south beach_030Checking out the birds…

birding south beach_036

Snowy Egrets~dance fishing

birding south beach_048Looking for Pelagics

Wilson’s Storm Petral

Life bird for us!

Why have we never seen this bird before? There were hundreds of them flying low over the water.

 birding south beach_066 Whimbrel

birding south beach_069

A fun day for all ~

Thanks to Mary for inviting us to tag along!

birding south beach_068Birds of the Day

Double-crested Cormorant
Northern Gannet
Herring Gull
Laughing Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Northern Harrier
Green Heron
Great Blue Heron
Horned Lark
American Oystercatcher
Wilson's Storm Petrel
Semipalmated Plover,
Piping Plover
Semipalmated Sandpiper

Red Knot

Snowy Egret
Pectoral Sandpiper
Cory's Shearwater
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Barn Swallow
Tree Swallow
Black Tern
Common Tern
Forster's Tern
Roseate Tern
Least Tern
Ruddy Turnstone