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Friday, April 15, 2011

Evening sky~and visits..

Howdee all,

Last evening before sunset… on my short fifty foot long walk home from my Sickstas I saw a Summer Tanager. Yippeeeeee

One more of the critters that we see every spring time here…Around Sickstas_062The Whip-poor-will is back and has been calling every night..

It hasn’t come around to the house yet…it usually does a circuit and part of that circuit is their front porch and the roof of their house near our Homey…still waiting for that.

Around Sickstas_063A pair of Flying Squirrels have been visiting our bird feeder in the evening…

Cute little things…scampering up and down to get to the feeder that is attached to the tree near our bedroom window. Ballie gets excited when they visit and he tries to catch them by jumping onto the window glass.

The same feeder hosted a Raccoon last week…I haven't seen it since.

Around Sickstas_064

The other night we heard murderous screams in the middle of the night…Jeff tried to find out what was going on,but saw nothing. Some poor animal probably met its demise….

Always something going on here…I am looking forward to more spring migrants…

Bring em on!

Oh..and I wouldn’t mind a Morel mushroom or two :)


  1. Love the top two shots. Nice framing, color, well all of it!

  2. Lovely images, Dawn! Very subtle beautiful colors. Sounds like many critters are out and about. How fortunate you were to see a Summer Tanager. A joy to visit your wonderful blog, as always!

  3. Beautiful images Dawn, love visiting your blog.

  4. Lovely images Dawn! Happy Weekend!!

  5. Cool a Summer Tanager, great sighting Dawn. Your evening sky photos are pretty. Great post, have a great weekend.

  6. Looks like your feeding the whole neighborhood ;)

    We had Northern Flying Squirrels coming to a feeder at night and I could never figure out how to get a photograph.

  7. That comment from h above is actually me but I can't figure how to operate things from a laptop LOL

  8. Beautiful photographs. I love the night sounds too, until the dratted katydids come and drown out the other noises.

  9. Whenever i took the photo in the evening it will look more beautiful than the other time. I like dark.

  10. Dawn - really lovely photos! We had a Whip-poor-will calling in our neighborhood 2 nights ago, the first we have ever heard here.

    Good Birding!

  11. Beautiful sunset bare trees and colorful skies!

  12. Thanks everyone...We really are lucky here to have so much wildlife visit us..Right now I am listening to a chorus of tree frogs!

    Thanks for stopping by..

    And no Morels found yet...:(

  13. I miss that sweet cute Ballie! Cute jumping at the window.

  14. Hey its beautiful, thanks for sharing. I have shared this with my friends.

  15. hope you are a nature lover... blog is like a poetry..


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