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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Busy Birds

Howdee all,

The birds are busy with home making in Sickstas yard..around sickstas_081

The resident Bluebirds have chosen the same nest box for the third year in a row.around sickstas_080 (1)There is plenty of food hanging around for them…around sickstas_104This resident Chickadee found some for himself..

around sickstas_096Did you know Chickadees live in the moon?

Well they do…yard birding_035at least a pair of them do:)yard birding_032And the moon…around sickstas_097Is Happier for it…yard birding_040A Brown-headed nuthatch checks out this old house…yard birding_023Wonder if he will entice a lady to this shanty?yard birding_024The Downy woodpeckers love Bark Butter…and leave the suet alonearound sickstas_111My feeders are happy with birds…

Can you see the happy face?around sickstas_120We have had scads of Pine Siskin and American Goldfinch

yard birding_003

A Ruby-throated hummingbird has been at my feeder, but prefers the tasty garden flowers.

The birds are returning~

I am eagerly awaiting the Blue and Rose breasted Grosbeaks, Indigo Buntings and any other bird that wants to come to Sickstas Garden…

Life is Birdie Good


  1. Beautiful photos and birds. The color of the bluebirds is so vibrant. I can't wait to start seeing them around here.

  2. Lots of great birding going on in sicksta's yard. Love the moon but would rather move into the shanty. ;)

  3. Hi Dawn,
    Nice series again,
    Love that Bluebird, which I still have'nt see here.

  4. OH what a great variety! Love your birdies!!

  5. Dawn! I love your posts! They always make me happy!

  6. I wouldn't be moving on if there were nesting Bluebirds around. Spring is so beautiful!

  7. Wonderful collection of yardbirds, Dawn! The bluebirds are one of my favorites.

  8. hello, have a nice day and enjoy your life

  9. I can't wait for the birds to start nesting here. Love seeing sickstas birdies!

  10. I love the Goldfinch photo!! Fun images Dawn! Everybody's singing up here in RI, and I saw two male Robins fighting nearly to the death yesterday. I actually broke it up! But, only the Starlings and Pigeons are nesting so far!

  11. What a great variety of birds--talk about a backyard wildlife habitat. I've seen a bluebird check out our back yard but not stay I think because of the mouse that has made a nest in the bluebird box.

    I'm glad I haven's seen pine siskins this year. They had a problem with salmonella a couple of years ago. I had to take my feeders down for awhile so others wouldn't get infected.

  12. Nice post, Dawn! It's spring in your yard, quite a bit ahead of ours. I love the bluebird checking out the box, and the brown-headed nuthatch...

  13. This splendid post had me smiling ear to ear. A most wonderful variety of birds visiting your sicksta's backyard. Happy post with great photos!

  14. Awesome display of yardbirds Dawn! Of course, Bluebirds are my favorites but that Brown-headed Nuthatch is very cool. The smiley bird feeder setup put a smile on my face when I saw it!

    You got to love springtime!

  15. Hi Dawn, More great pictures. Sure admire your location there and being able to watch all the birds and nature so closely. Very neat! Thanks and have a great day, John

  16. Dawn, those Bluebirds are just so blue and so fantastic. Lucky you to have them so close.

  17. These are all great but the ones of the bluebirds are awesome!! So glad that I found your blog!

  18. Sharon M
    Hope you get some Blue bird visits soon..Love to see and hear them!

    Hee hee You like the Shanty..I guess I still and not ready for any home that is attached to anything:)

    What..No Bluebirds! I will send you a few..expect a package in the mail soon!

    Thanks..lots of birdie variety really is a great place to bird..never need to leave the yard.

    Warren and Lisa Strobel
    Awww thanks..So happy to put smiles on faces! I am sure the smile looks cute on yours!

    You always find the faces! :)

    I know what you really is hard to leave knowing the bluebirds are nesting and fledglings soon..

    Thanks Eileen..there sure are some good birdies here..

    amazon's best review
    Thanks you too!

    Hope you have those Baltimore Orioles again!

    Drew Wheelan
    Thanks..we had a ton of Goldfinches...Be careful breaking up those birdie fights..they might peck your eyes out! :)

    Appalachian Lady
    Hee hee..kick out the mouse..let it live in your floorboards and the bluebird in the nestbox...Hadnt heard of that sickness in the Siskins..thats too bad!

    Hilke Breder
    Thanks Hilke..It is spring much earlier here than your neck of the sure have had some interesting birds this past winter and early spring.

    Julie G.
    Awww..thanks Julie..I love to make you smile!!!

    I do love springtime...Glad I could put a smile on your face..boy you sure have been busy with all your posts at 10000 birds..You are famous!

    John's Island
    Aww thanks..yes we are very lucky...I just have to look out the window and see birds all around!

    Thanks..they are sooo blue and we are sooo lucky to see them!

    licia@ eco friendly homemaking
    Aww..thanks..Glad you found me too!!


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