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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Howdee all, maybe Birdinings isn't a word,but, My definition is Bird Happenings.

Hot of the Presses is

The birds-and-the-bees Daily

Check it out and see what is being Tweeted out on Twitter about everything Nature.


Via Corey of 10,000 Birds blog shared this video on his blog that

Jeff Bouton made of Screech-Owls on his property.

It is a five minute video but well worth the time…:(


Calling all Nature Bloggers

Nature Blog Network is asking bloggers for ideas.

Below is an excerpt from Wrens on the link above to go to the original.

“To develop some of those ideas into activities, we need to do more, and that means we need more people working with us. We can always use more ideas, too! While there will always be a role for the membership at large to contribute ideas and ask questions, we’re thinking that some of you may want to play a more active, hands-on role in growing the NBN.

Over the next several weeks, we’re going to be actively asking for volunteers to help with everything from the mundane aspects of operating the network to whole new ventures concentrating on nature, nature blogging, or both. Check this space on upcoming Mondays for ideas and calls for volunteers. Join the conversation in the comments or contact us by email.

We’re also asking for volunteers who have an idea in mind for the network or blog, and are willing to commit to a one-year pilot project. Drop us an email (natureblognetwork at gmail dot com) and let’s talk about what you have in mind and how we can work together to make it happen.”


If you are a Nature Blogger and aren't a member, you really should think about joining. Its free, and it a great community of Nature lovers!


One last thing

For all of you that follow Idaho Birding Blog and are wondering why the link hasn't been working…Robert has moved his home and his blog URL why in his blog

Birding is fun

If you don't follow his blog you should!


That's all for now….Moving our daughter to Providence this weekend then move ourselves to CT for the month of October.

Hope to do some birding real soon!

I need me some WOODs!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Xtra Xtra Read all about it

Howdee all,


Click on the link below to read Bird and Nature stories from a newspaper put together using the tweets of my twitter pals.

Lots of Bird and Nature news, one story about a northeastern bird that has flown off course and is giving the Brits a good show.

A Blog post about the Zen of Birding..and more.


The birds-and-the-bees Daily


Hope you all are enjoying your fall.

Jeff and I have been busy with annual Dr. visits, shopping around with our daughter for furniture and hanging out with Jeff's family.

We leave MA soon to head to CT for a month.

Want to try and get another birding trip squeezed in before we leave..

Any takers?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Reading Material

Howdee all,


The Birds and the Bees Daily is hot off the presses.

Check out all the latest Birds and Nature information that

twitter users are sharing.


Hope you all are having a nice Fall.

I have been busy with family, helping our daughter find a place to live.

This week and thru the weekend we will help her move in.

So………if I am not online much, it is because I am just too Plum tired to go online after a busy day.

See you, when things slow down!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Birds and the Bees Daily



The birds-and-the-bees Daily

as shared by 107 people on Dawn's Twitter list

Click on the above link and check out the latest news!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Birdie stuff you might like…

Howdee all,

Hope you all are having a good fall… did it become fall?


I like what Jeffrey Gordon said in facebook yesterday

 “The very first Snow Geese just flew in. Eleven black and white nails in summer's coffin.”

Ok..maybe you need to be a birder to appreciate it…


I read this article today…

Is this for real?

Colombian police arrest parrot in crime raid


Check out this video from the BBC

Via Media Caffine

Cameras were put on a

  Peregrine Falcon and a Goshawk

Very cool!!!


If you didn't watch all the Videos I linked to yesterday…at least watch this one ..and learn something about Starlings and why they are swarming.

Very Interesting..

Will pass along more interesting links as I find them..

Happy Autumn!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Swarming Birds

Howdee all
I had to share this link to these Swarming Bird videos!
Wow..awesome videos
I will post one here so you can get an idea of what the others are about…if you like this one go to the link above to view more!

Happy Bird Migration!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Birds and the Bees Daily

Howdee all,

Check out my new newspaper by clicking on the link below..

The Birds and the Bees Daily

I don't know where I first found out about I came across it a few times and then decided to try it for myself.

“ organizes links shared on Twitter into an easy to read newspaper-style format. Newspapers can be created for any Twitter user, list or #tag.

A great way to stay on top of all that is shared by the people you follow - even if you are not connected 24/7 !” from

I know some of you don't use twitter, so…you may be interested in seeing the types of tweets that are tweeted and read.

Lots of great information is shared on twitter. I tend to friend only Bird/Nature people.

I made this paper using a list of those twitter friends that tweet mainly links on birds and nature.

I will share this with you daily.

Sometimes I tweet out posts from the blogs that I…if you write about Birds and may find your post in this newspaper.

So Check it out!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hickory Horned Devil!

Howdee all.

I am posting this using Google toolbar. dont quite know how this will turn out...but
here goes...I wanted you all to read this!

Oh my Oh my...I would love to see one of these fellers!
Click on the link below to see what I am talking about!

Julie Zickefoose on Blogspot: Hickory Horned Devil!: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Oh ...and I found another link with more pictures and wow..look how big the darn thing is!
Hickory Horned Devil

And if thats not enough information ..
Read this

You might also want to read this post from
Ohio Birds and Biodiversity 
They saved one of these beautiful creatures from being eaten alive by fly larvae.
"Once inside, they would commence eating it alive, cleverly avoiding the most vital of tissues, thus keeping their victim alive for as long as possible" 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Birding Great Meadows NWR, Concord, Ma

Howdee all,


Thursday, Kathie and I went birding.

Some of you may know Kathie from her blog.. Sycamore Canyon.

Since moving back to New England she started a new blog called  Kathie's Birds.

We met Kathie last year while in Arizona.

I knew this was a difficult move for Kathie as she had to leave her beloved Sycamore Canyon and her lovely birds.

I was getting over a bout with Vertigo..

So we went birding, and that always makes things better!


Here we are hanging out in the Homey.

I stole this phone photo from Kathie's facebook page…Thanks Katie!


        Great Meadows NWR, Concord Unit

Great meadows with Kathie_002We started by walking up the observation tower…for and overview of the area..

Great meadows with Kathie_004 Kathie adding a few birds to her list.

Two female scarlet tanagers. 

Great meadows with Kathie_007 We walked the path between the meadow area.

Great meadows with Kathie_008  There is usually much more water here…the area was drained so that they could build a viewing platform. We were told they would be adding water in a week or two, which will help attract more birds.Great meadows with Kathie_025Because of low water levels, we didn't see as many birds as Jeff and I have seen here in the past.Great meadows with Kathie_026We did see three Great Blue heron.          Great Meadow_008See the one below hiding in the Lotus?Great Meadow_005A female Wood duck and a female Black Duck were hanging out together.Great Meadow_015 Acres of Lotus plants.Great Meadow_017   Great Meadow_031      There were several small patches of water…  Great Meadow_006    Great meadows with Kathie_029   Lots of wildflowers blooming..

Great meadows with Kathie_010    Savannah SparrowGreat Meadow_047 Can you see the Chimney Swifts?        Great Meadow_058 Cat tailGreat meadows with Kathie_015 Great meadows with Kathie_016 And many other unidentified wild flowers..Great meadows with Kathie_017 Great meadows with Kathie_018Great meadows with Kathie_022Milkweed seed heads  Great Meadow_013 We did a 1.7 mile loop around the meadow…

Stopping at the Concord River

Great meadows with Kathie_033  We thought we might see a Kingfisher…but didn't.Great meadows with Kathie_035   unidentified Turtle Great Meadow_053more beautiful wildflowers..  Great meadows with Kathie_044 We did see 22 species of birds and had a lovely walk.

It was great, just spending time together.Great meadows with Kathie_046 After birding, I took Kathie to Kimball Farms..Great meadows with Kathie_052 Where we had a lunch of ice cream…Coconut Almond Chip for me..Great meadows with Kathie_060Great meadows with Kathie_053This big boy hung out around the Picnic tables and greeted everyone.    Great meadows with Kathie_061 Isn't he handsome?Great meadows with Kathie_062

A Wonderful Day!

Welcome Back to New England Kathie!

Lets go Birding again!!!!


Birds of the day

    Wood Duck      
     American Black Duck     
      Great Blue Heron     
     Turkey Vulture     
      Northern Harrier     
     Red-tailed Hawk     
     American Kestrel     
     Chimney Swift     
      Downy Woodpecker     
     Hairy Woodpecker     
      Blue Jay     
      American Crow     
      Northern Rough-winged Swallow     
      Black-capped Chickadee     
      Tufted Titmouse     
      White-breasted Nuthatch     
     Black-and-white Warbler     
     Savannah Sparrow     
      Scarlet Tanager     
      Red-winged Blackbird     
      American Goldfinch


Kimball Farms 
Cooper's Hawk
 hawk sp.
 Common Nighthawk
 Chimney Swift
 Blue Jay
 American Crow
 American Goldfinch
 House Sparrow

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birding makes CBS news

Howdee all,

Birding made the CBS news!

If you didn't see it tonight on TV..

Here it is.



 Check out this link for more information

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Crazy “Transformer” Owl

Check out this video..

A crazy transformer changes it shape and size when it feels threatened by another owl.

Read this link to learn more about the owl

Southern White Faced Scops Owl

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Slow down Saturday

Howdee all,

Jeff and I are in Lexington, Ma now. Hanging out with Jeff's side of the family.

We are also helping our daughter, who recently moved out of NYC,find an apartment. She would love to live in Providence RI or near Cambridge, Ma.

The problem with the Boston area is that it is so darn expensive. She is looking for a rental under 1000 dollars.

Any help or information is greatly appreciated.

In the meantime…

Slow down…

Its Saturday….


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Sunday, September 05, 2010

BwBTC Bird Trustom Pond NWR

Howdee all,

After birding the mudflats and fun lunch stop at the Corner Deli in town,

we went to Trustom Pond NWR just a few miles south.BwBTC Charlestown RI_078

Which way do we go?

We followed the pathway to the left thru a large field.BwBTC Charlestown RI_043Jane showed us the caterpillar of the Monarch butterfly and the eggs.. Oh fun!

Thanks Jane!BwBTC Charlestown RI_044 Isn't it beautiful?

Monarch Caterpillar on MilkweedBwBTC Charlestown RI_079

We stopped at the freshwater pond and checked out the wildlife, frogs, turtles, dragonflies and other critters.

Charlestown ri_010 Time to take the group photo…

hee hee..two second timer so it took a few tries before we got it right!

BwBTC Charlestown RI_052 We birded the grasses…BwBTC Charlestown RI_053  We birded the Salt water pond..BwBTC Charlestown RI_055BwBTC Charlestown RI_076 We birded the woodlands…

BwBTC Charlestown RI_061

We saw a decent amount of birds..most of which I didn't capture on camera..

We caught a great burst of activity in the forest with warblers and vireos all over the was very exciting and we didn't know which way to look first.


Here are a few birdie photos I did get..

Juvenile Ring-necked PheasantBwBTC Charlestown RI_073

A juvenile Black-billed Cuckoo

BwBTC Charlestown RI_057    I had a terrific time birding, bugging, and enjoying nature with everyone.

Speaking of bugs…

Check out this funky bug that landed on Katie..  BwBTC Charlestown RI_081I forgot what Jane said it was…Jane?

I think its a weevil of some sort…BwBTC Charlestown RI_080

Thanks everyone for coming and making this a terrific day!

Check out these other accounts of our day!






Birds of the Afternoon

Canada Goose  
Mute Swan 
Wood Duck 
Ring-necked Pheasant 
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron 
Great Egret 
Snowy Egret       
Green Heron
Turkey Vulture 
Northern Harrier   
Caspian Tern
Black-billed Cuckoo 
Belted Kingfisher 
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Phoebe 
Eastern Kingbird 
White-eyed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo 
Blue Jay 
American Crow 
Fish Crow
Tree Swallow 
Barn Swallow 
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
American Robin
Gray Catbird 
Northern Mockingbird 
European Starling 
Blue-winged Warbler 
Pine Warbler 
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart 
Common Yellowthroat
Eastern Towhee 
Song Sparrow 
Northern Cardinal 
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch