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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birding makes CBS news

Howdee all,

Birding made the CBS news!

If you didn't see it tonight on TV..

Here it is.



 Check out this link for more information


  1. Dawn - I saw this last night... I instantly thought of you and Jeff! It was a great piece if you ask me! There are sooooo many people that are really into birding as well.

  2. Thanks for posting this! Bill Baker is really a great guy; he made it possible for folks to see the Manatees in a nearby Florida power plant during Space Coast Birding Festival.

    Cheryl Harner, Ohio

  3. Thanks for the heads up Dawn! I missed the news last night. It is good to see a news clip on birding that doesn't include electronic birding equipment (iPod, etc).

  4. I can't imagine 300 species in one bird outing. That is a dream. I'd need to photograph them cause I'd never be able to ID that many.

  5. Glad you all enjoyed the re-broadcast :)
    Great to see Birding in makes prime time news!

  6. I hadn't seen it. Thanks for reposting it, Dawn. It's probably one competition I'll never take part in, but I admire the people who can.

  7. That's great that birding is getting national press--better than politics! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks for posting this - good to see birders presented positively, if superficially


ok what do you really think?????