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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ruby Road to Arivaca Cienega

Howdee all,

More rain last night…clearing in the morning to frosty covered everything.

I took no frosty most of you reading this have had enough of the cold.

It was a chilly day here compared to weather the past week in the 70s.

Today mid fifties was tops…and colder with the wind chill.

We decided to take a long drive..on one of my favorite dirt roads..

Ruby Road

Ruby Road turnoff (Exit 12) 8 miles north of Nogales on I19

See the snow on the distant mountains?ruby road to Arivaca_001

So..anyway, Ruby road turns to dirt..ruby road to Arivaca_003

25 miles of Dirt road…

Lots of border patrol in this area, as its very close to the Mexican border

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Lovely dirt road…See the Green Rock in the distance..Lichen

ruby road to Arivaca_011

Today, the road was wet with last nights rainsruby road to Arivaca_012The wind was howling..and kept most birds down..

We did see birds on the drive..

Rufous crowned sparrow, Chipping sparrows, a Great horned owl being harassed by Mexican Jays and two gray birds, robin sized, maybe Solitaire,but not sure,as the flew before we could get a good look.


ruby road to Arivaca_015  We then drove to Arivaca Lake to look for ducks..again, not very birdie, Coots, Pie billed Grebe, Mexican mallards, Ruddy ducks, Vermillion flycatchers,Tree and Rough winged swallows.

ruby road to Arivaca_020 Onto Arivaca Cienegaruby road to Arivaca_021   I think everyone who goes here takes a photo of this tree…

I took at least ten..You are lucky I am sparing you and not showing them all. ruby road to arivaca_011The wind had picked up and a storm was coming in…

  We saw  Black and Turkey Vultures flying over head in the strong winds.ruby road to arivaca_010

Lesser Goldfinch frolicked in the reeds snacking on seeds..

Vermillion flycatcher couples flitted to and fro catching bugs.ruby road to Arivaca_035

We also saw

Vesper and Song sparrows, Kestrel, Black Hawkruby road to arivaca_014Two Sora hid from us, and called from the reeds..I love this green weed..Duck weed?ruby road to arivaca_016I found this little stinkbug prancing about…ruby road to arivaca_017       Don't let these photos fool was chilly and windy…

ruby road to Arivaca_037  And a storm was a brewin..

Luckily it didn't rain till an hour after our walk.ruby road to Arivaca_042  I wondered where the water was…

Last time we were here I remember there being much more water..

I suppose the lack of Summer rains….

Hopefully the spring rains will make up for it …ruby road to Arivaca_045

It wasn't the birdiest day here, though considering the weather, I think we did good!


  1. Thanks for taking me to places I'd probably never see Dawn. I hardly ever get to leave my own backyard, and it's such a joy to see the world through your lens. ;c)

  2. Dawn,
    Your photos are always so amazing...the vast landscapes with big blue skies. I wanna see what you see! Waaa!
    : )

  3. Wonder Woman... another good one! Love those clouds!

    Yesterday I got lost in your blog roll again. (I'm proud to be included!) The food links, the decorating/craft links in addition to all the nature/birdie links. It's an encyclopedia of GOOD STUFF!

  4. Wonderful photographs again. I especially love the tree.

  5. You crack me up about not showing all your tree pics. Nice work on withholding :)

  6. i feel like i am there at the place.
    putting this on my list..

  7. Your photos are beautiful! What an adventure you live!

  8. I love the photograph of the tree!

  9. You have a real talent for capturing big skies and beautiful light - and making me envious of the lovely places you have seen :)

  10. Your images are breathtaking! It's so nice to be able to "travel" with you! Thanks for sharing such wonderful views :)

  11. Beautiful images, Dawn! I love the green lichen rock. Looks like a great place for birding. Nice post I felt like I was there too.

  12. Beautiful views of both places. I love the solitute of the pictures!

  13. Thanks everyone...such wonderful comments...and I am humbled,as I find wonderful photos on each and every on of your blogs!
    I really do love taking landscape photos...give me a few clouds and I am happy...

    Hope to be able to visit you blogs soon..
    Headed to Big Bend and internet free zone.
    Will catch up when I get back to civilization!


ok what do you really think?????