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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Patagonia Sonoita Nature Conservancy

Howdee all,

Another frosty morning…Burr

Jeff and I waited till it warmed up a bit before heading out to-

Patagonia Sonoita Nature Conservancy

“In a verdant floodplain valley between the Patagonia and Santa Rita Mountains of southeastern Arizona,
within the watershed of Sonoita Creek, lies some of the richest of the remaining riparian (streamside) habitat in the region. One of a few remaining permanent streams, it provides for a wide array of diverse species from endangered fishes to butterflies and birds.”

Entrance fee is 5 dollars non members, 3 dollars for members. patagonia sonoita nature consevancy_002

  It seemed to us that more birds have come in recently

We saw many Vermillion flycatchers up and down the river

Female Vermillion flycatcher

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Male Vermillion flycatcherpatagonia sonoita nature conservancy_078patagonia sonoita nature consevancy_004

Yellow-rumped warblers were plentiful, as were Lesser goldfinch, Black Pheobe  ,Ruby-crowned kinglets, House, White crowned  and Song Sparrows.

A pair of Verdin were foraging in the willow patagonia sonoita nature conservancy_008

   We walked away from the water into an open field

Vesper sparrows, Cardinals,Vermillion flycatchers. Red-tailed Hawk, Turkey Vultures overhead..

patagonia sonoita nature consevancy_011Into the woods…

Canyon Towhee, Aberts towheepatagonia sonoita nature consevancy_007 I looked for owls in the large trees..but saw none..patagonia sonoita nature consevancy_012 Back to the water again…

more Vermillion flycatchers up and down the stream, along with Yellow rumped warblers and Black Pheobe.

A great blue heron fishing ..flew when it saw me.patagonia sonoita nature consevancy_014There were Song sparrows foraging in the water..

I had never seen them do this of the birders when i mentioned the bird said..oh You mean the swimming sparrows..

They were walking thru the water foraging..… 

  patagonia sonoita nature conservancy_117 Digging up or loosing whatever they were eating..

patagonia sonoita nature conservancy_145 patagonia sonoita nature conservancy_146 I won a poster at the Nature Conservancy today…Yippeee…

And… its ever so Loverly don't you think?

I won it for finding a bird seen for the first time this year in the park….

The Western wood peewee

No photos..darn..but one of the caretakers of the park saw what I looking at..and we showed him…he verified the bird and told me I had won a poster.

Gray Hawk

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  1. Oh, those flycatchers! The male almost hurts your eyes too gaze upon! Beautiful!

    Funny to see the song sparrow in the water foraging.

  2. Great shots, and a great find—congratulations!

  3. That vermillion flycatcher is a beautiful bird! I love how wintry the trees look - just the same as they look here in fact (though I have noticed that the buds are beginning to swell now)

  4. Fabulous post Dawn! I would love to see that Vermillion flycatcher - what a beauty! And congrats on winning the poster! It is lovely!

  5. As always Dawn your photos are Picture perfect and I enjoyed them so much... Beautiful birds! And also congrats on winning that lovely poster... Have a great day & travel safe

  6. How cool--both winning the poster (which is gorgeous) and catching the swimming sparrows on video. I've never seen a Song Sparrow do that!!

  7. Reading your recent posts...I could so adapt to your lifestyle and your "Homey"! Thanks for sharing your adventures.

  8. I left a comment on your September 2009 Bunsen Peak Hike. Very nice blog, great pictures! I'll be back!

  9. That Vermillion is such a beautiful Bird Dawn.

  10. A lovely post Dawn, and great photos. Thoroughly enjoyed them, thank you.

  11. Hola Dawn,
    That's a nice place to be!
    Those Vermilion Flycatchers reminded me of the ones that sat outside our home in Lima.
    New home for us is Cusco now, and we haven't seen any so far!

  12. Wonderful post and outing, Dawn! The Vermilion Flycatchers are beautiful and so is the pretty Verdin. Congrats on winning the poster.

  13. WOW! Beautiful captures of the Vermillion Flycatcher Dawn! The red is so intense! Love the landscape photos too.

    When are you getting back toward the east coast?

    Sharon says hello!

  14. Wow Dawn.... Beautiful photos from an amazing place! I would love to see a Vermilion Flycatcher some day.

  15. Love Patagonia and missed going to Arizona on this spring break. Any sign of the Elegant Trogan yet or the irresistible Northern beardless-tyrannulet? And did you stop in at the Paton's hummingbird feeders as well?



  16. I've seen pictures of the Vermillion flycatchers, but didn't know what they were called. They're BEAUTIFUL!

  17. I like the swimming sparrow--great video. Once again, a nice walk and so happy you won that beautiful poster.

  18. Jayne
    Yes the Vermillions glow in the sunshine..very difficult for me to get a good picture with my point and shoots.


    yeah..buds coming out in AZ..spring has sprung!

    Hey sicksta! yeah..more birds..hope I dont bore my family with birds birds and more birds..Miss you!

    Thanks for the nice compliment..and the congrats!

    squawmama nice of you to say!Safe travels to you!

    Thanks Kelly, I know i had never seen song sparrows do this.they were kicking up some kind of food and eating it.

    Bird Girl
    Glad you enjoyed the swimming Song sparrow did you ever get to sleep? and was it the junco?

    Oh really should try RVing sometime.

    Howdee and welcome..a fellow hiker! hope we can meet on a trail sometime! Nice blog you have..just added you to my google reader.

    Howdee Roy..The vermillion was my spark bird! I always love seeing it!

    Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed!

    Howdee Mel, hope you and your cute hubby are enjoying your new home and surroundings!

    Thanks! Isnt the vermillion awesome! Same with that cute Sugar water drinking Verdin..they love hummer feeders.

    Howdee John,
    Thanks for the kind comment..i know your lens would capture a much nicer shot...but I do the best I can with my baby cameras.
    We will be back in the area sometime in June and stay all fall.
    Tell Sharon I said hi.
    hope to bird with you all this summer!

    RuthieJ must go see some of the birds in AZ..maybe as a side trip when visiting your brother.

    Howdee Dave..
    Ahh ..everyone saw that darn Trogon at patagonia state park.. except us..luckily we saw many of them several years back.
    We did see a taranulet and stopped at Patons most every night for a week.

    Howdee Marylee..
    Its a great looking birdie..Hope all is well and funny with you!

    Appalachian Lady
    Thanks, glad you enjoyed the video and the walk.
    I am thrilled about the poster..ha..I could have purchased one for three dollars..they were reduced from ten. was fun to win it.

    Thanks everyone..

    Jeff and I will be in Big Bend..internet free zone..thats what I am told.
    If I have internet I will be pleasantly surprised!
    See you when we get back to Cyberspace!


ok what do you really think?????