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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stranded in Catalina State park

Howdee all,

It rained last night and on and off today.

The road out of the campground is full of water and sand.

catalina wash filled_006  So we cant leave…catalina wash filled_005 Campers that left early in the day cant get back in catalina wash filled_004

Thats alright, we knew this might happen and stocked our pantry..

Besides, look at the view ..catalina wash filled_003And tonight's sunset..sunset_001Was just gorgeous.. sunset_002 The mountains were pink..sunset_003 The clouds were pink..sunset_004 Lots of campers were out taking photos..sunset_005   So, we don't mind being strandedsunset_008 sunset_009    Its quite comfy here.. sunset_014


  1. Unless you've lived there, you don't often think of the saguaro deserts as a place you get floods, but they happen every year. How tough is life when you are stranded at Catalina State Park?! Great photos of the gorgeous sunset!

  2. Well you could be stranded in a worse place. Actually, it's a gift to see water flow in the desert. And besides, what's another day?

    Gorgeous skies to go along with that AZ rain.

  3. Oh, seeing your pantry is full, can I borrow a cup of sugar. I am just a blog reader and I am camped where you are. I wish! (tee hee) Your pictures are as gorgeous as ever, and I get to see them in the comfort of my home. Love you!

  4. pretty spot to be stranded, glad you were prepared. Love the sky shots Dawn


  5. What a reward for having to be patient with nature!

  6. Yes, don't mind being stranded with that great panorama sky view.

  7. And a birdie told me you got your Panasonic back.... How's it working?

  8. "I don't think the hard stuff's coming down for quiet a while" - actually hopefully its done its thing. Just caught up a few posts, liked the cacti personalities and the Scarlet Tanager, but finding an owl keepign an eye on you always has to be a highlight.

  9. You were smart to stock up and now you can enjoy the view! Lovely photos.

  10. Dawn, I hope it drys out enough for you to get to Patagonia! Wish I could have been there to see the screech owl!

  11. Now here's a place to be stranded..a grand view, a grand home what more can one ask for..oh maybe some of those little morel put aside that steak and baked spud!! Glad to hear all is well and life is good! Thanks for dropping by and saying hi..I try and keep on top of everyone's blogs but some times the faster I go the behinder I get!

  12. Avimor Birder
    Yeah, we knew the rain was coming and figured this would happen. We were stranded here a few winters ago as well.. each time it has been fun!

    Yeah..i never get tired of rain in the desert.

    Love you too Muther..come visit me anytime..

    Thanks Dan!yeah..i had lots of chocolate and wine:)

    yes..big reward for sure!!

    yeah is an adventure!

    dont mind being stranded in this beautiful place.! Thanks for stopping by.

    Arizona Girl
    Yes..i have my camera back..yippeeee.

    Thanks for stoppin by!

    Appalachian Lady
    Yeah..we could last for weeks on all the food i have now..

    I wish you saw the screech too! Looks like they will have the wash cleared by tomorrow.

    oh..morel mushrooms would be awesome! i know what you mean..not always easy to keep up..once and a while i go on bloggy vacation.

  13. Oh my! What gorgeous colors in the sunset, Dawn.

  14. Wow Dawn, I wouldn't have minded being stranded either.


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