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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Catalina State park bird walk, Tucson, AZ

Howdee all,

Every Friday when camped at Catalina State Park we go on the morning bird walk led by a volunteer.

We started off our last bird walk with a pair of Coopers Hawks..

male with his back to us..bird walk catalina state park_002 Female on the opposite side of the path..

bird walk catalina state park_003Some of the birders are locals, snowbirds or campers..

bird walk catalina state park_006 Red-naped sapsucker

bird walk catalina state park_009 bird walk catalina state park_008Distant Western bluebird viewsbird walk catalina state park_015

bird walk catalina state park_020 Beautiful mountain views ..

bird walk catalina state park_022 I will miss our bird walks here..

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A common bird in Catalina..


bird walk catalina state park_034We were so lucky to see this Western Screech owl warming up in the morning sunbird walk catalina state park_042

  Distant views of Loggerhead shrikebird walk catalina state park_048 My favorite bird of the day recently arrived from the south..

He is my spark bird..

Six years ago today, when in Catalina state park..

bird walk catalina state park_051

I saw this red beauty..

He sparked my interest in birding…


Mr. Vermillion Flycatcher

bird walk catalina state park_072


  1. MOre great birding. I can see why that flycatcher caught your eye.

    When and where to next?

  2. We also saw the vermillion flycatcher last Friday for the first time. What a gorgeous bird! The owl wan't out when we went looking for him, though. Great photos!


  3. Lovely! What a fabulous place to visit!!

  4. Beautiful shots. Love the vermilion flycatcher! I can see why he sparked your birdwatching interest.

  5. Ooooo... I gasped when I got to the Vermillion Flycatcher!

  6. Great shots--we went there last year but didn't see near what you saw (that's why it's great to go with other birders).

    I sent my husband your Death Valley/Red Rock posts to convince him it was good idea to go there instead of Grand Canyon (still cold there). He was impressed. I want to finally be warm!

  7. I lived in Arizona before my spark was lit, so I didn't really notice birds unless they (figuratively) landed in my lap. I think that flycatcher would have set me afire though. Beautiful bird. And beautiful photos.

  8. Gaelyn
    Howdee..i think you have left the USA by the time this gets to you..
    Thanks for the comment..
    We are going south to Patagonia for a few weeks then to Texas for a few months..birding.

    Jim and Gayle
    Thanks! Glad you saw the Vermillion..a gorgeous bird.


    Thanks. Yes he is a gorgeous bird!!

    A Beauty isnt he??

    Appalachian Lady
    Oh go go to Death Valley! I adore it there..and it should be warmer.

    Earl Cootie
    Thank you Mr. Earl what was your spark birdie then>>'


ok what do you really think?????