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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Phelps Lake, The Grand Tetons

Howdee all,

This day we drive to Phelps lake trailhead..

on the way passing Jenny Lake and views of the Tetonsjeffs pics two ocean_20090913_030

Stopping on the way to take photos jeffs pics two ocean_20090913_031

Of these beautiful rocky topped mountainsphelps lake_20090913_001 Beautiful views from just about every vantage point…phelps lake_20090913_003

We pass a few farms…on our way to the trailhead…what an awesome backdrop to any home or farm! phelps lake_20090913_006Phelps Lake trail

1.2-mile meander from the Death Canyon trailhead through dense pine and aspen forest leads to a ridgetop 700-feet above Phelps Lake. We continued down to the lake another half mile.

A round three and a half mile round trip, fairly easy hike.


We arrive at the trailhead and are are told there are moose ahead.

We spot a mom and her babe…hidden in the scrub..

phelps lake_20090913_017 The weather starts to change..becomes a bit darker…storm clouds head our way

phelps lake_20090913_018

The view of the lake belowphelps lake_20090913_020  Hail starts to fall…

See the hail on the log?  We take cover and watch the hail storm.

I was so excited and jumped around and screeched like a little kid…my sicksta, husband, and brother in law will vouch for that…

What a a beautiful place with little white pellets making music on my rain gear and the ground..

Lovely…a grand time!

phelps lake_20090913_023We stop for another view Before heading down to the lake.phelps lake_20090913_026Phelps Lake phelps lake_20090913_073Mica coats the leaves under the water…making them look silver..phelps lake_20090913_072The hike back..i observe colors..phelps lake_20090913_082And flowers gone by….phelps lake_20090913_083Dried seed heads now….but just as beautifulphelps lake_20090913_086As the flowers were………phelps lake_20090913_087And the flowers that are still blooming…

Are full of activity…phelps lake_20090913_094 Bugs getting nectar..pollen..

phelps lake_20090913_097I wonder what these bees are collecting in this seed head.

Any Ideas?

phelps lake_20090913_107

another nice hike in the Tetons…and the drive home was just as lovely….phelps lake_20090913_113 As the drive to the hike…

phelps lake_20090913_116

Stay tuned for more…



  1. Another great hike in the Tetons. Look forward to more of this beautiful scenery.

  2. This is it! Heaven on earth! Breathtakingly beautiful!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  3. Such gorgeous pictures, Dawn! You are really good with the camera. Can't decide if I love the mountains or those seed heads best.

  4. HOLY HECK Dawn!! Those were some beautiful pictures if I ever did see any gosh dang it.... It's almost as if I could breath easier looking at them with all the open skies and colors.. gorgeous!!! I look forward to more pics! That camera is amazing!!! Your eye ain't too bad either! hee hee... you know I'm only kiddin'!! xoxoxo

  5. Beautiful photographs. Must have been a bit scary to be caught in a hail storm.

  6. I love the dark clouds and the golden grasses....and the immensity of it all. I have to agree with Chris...could someone pass me a paper towel?

    p.s. I bet it was sort of exciting to be caught out in the hail storm! Glad you were able to find cover.

  7. Really enjoying your shared Teton experiences. One of my favorite places to visit.

  8. Oh gosh, I WANT TO GO!!! (Now that you've clarified about motorhomes not being constipating.)


    Wait. . . looks like some stiff hiking ahead. I'll stay here--you keep taking the pictures!

  9. Great hike--glad you could take cover while the hail came down. I once took a boat ride across Jenny Lake after a long hike. Wished I hadn't. The rain made the people in the back part of the small boat rush forward to get under the shelter--the boat almost capsized! Next time, I hike.

    I think the bumble bees are collecting pollen--doubt there is any nectar in the seed head.

    Lovely photos and wish I was there!

  10. Absolutely stunning photos of your up and down trek...loved all the close ups of the flowers, and non nice those vistas are that you captured on your way back down... but the hail? nope, you can keep that!
    Glad you are having fun!!

  11. Beautiful scenery! Thank you for sharing your world with me. hugs from Hundewanderer.

  12. Dawn, I've passed along the "Best Blog Award" to you. It's so nice to find others who live the gypsy life and love nature everywhere they go. Feel free to stop by and pick it up.
    Love your new profile pic.

  13. I love this region too. Wildlife is Abundant and the senses are amplified. So nice that you are immersed in it all.

  14. Beautiful hike.
    The Tetons are fantastic.
    I think the bees are finding pollen....
    I also love seed lovely as the flowers.

  15. Looks like another great hike. the Tetons are beautiful and so is the Phelps Lake. Great Moose sighting.

  16. I came back after seeing those lovely closeups of the water droplets.
    This series of photos are gorgeous. I read in your profile that you've been leading a nomadic life for several years. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous shots and your thoughts. (here via Nature Notes.)

  17. Absolutely awesome!! Dawn!! your photos are so good! Great rendering of WY!!

  18. What a gorgeous place Dawn. I love the shots of the mountains coming in. And the moose is a bonus, what a cool shot that is.

  19. Catching up and really enjoying all the pictures of two of my favorite places in the world - The Tetons and YNP!

  20. Gaelyn
    Thanks i need to go catch up with your blog.see what u have been doing!
    Oh and thanks for the blog award...I really do appreciate it..and sorry it has taken me so long to tell u..I have been busy and this past weekend pretty much no internet! Thanks!

    Thanks is beautiful isnt it?

    Thanks Bobbie..Glad u like my photos..must go visit you now and catch up...looking forward to your shadow shots!

    Missy the Butterfly and Garden Freak
    Thanks dear! glad you stopped by..hope all is well!!

    hee hee quite the opposite..I loved being in the hail storm..the hail was small so not so scary!

    Chris Petrak
    Geez..heres another cyber towel..wipe your mouth..

    hee and Chris..heres a towel for you too!
    Yeah it was so much fun in the hail storm..i jumped up and down and yelled in glee...

    Glad you are enjoying my Tetons of my fav places too!

    hee hee..u would love it..
    You wouldnt have to could stay behind and make dinner for us..:)

    Appalachian Lady
    Bummer on the crowded boat...glad you didnt capsize.
    so u think there is pollen on the seedhead? i figured no nectar..but wondered what they would find on the seed head.
    Wish you were there too! u would love it1

    hee was so much fun..the hail was small and it didnt last too long.

    oh thanks! Glad you came to visit!

    Bird Girl
    oh thanks so much!! love your photos!!!

    Natural Moments
    Thanks..yes an awesome area for sure..

    Thanks Q..I must visit you blog and see what wonderful macros u have!

    Thanks..and thanks for stopping by!

    Oh thanks so much for coming back..will stop by and visit you!

    Thanks so much Cindy!

    Larry Jordan
    Thanks Larry..I miss being there already...but love it here on the Oregon Coast.

    yeah..i have to say they are two of my fav places as well! Glad you came to visit..

  21. My heart is pounding with the beauty of your photos and this place! It fills me with such deep longing. I don't know why, but it draws me. Wish I was there.

  22. simply amazing photos sicksta!!

  23. Kathiesbirds
    So Glad you enjoyed the photos..a truly beautiful place..

    Thanks sicksta..


ok what do you really think?????