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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Walking around the Block…

Howdee all,

Sicksta Adele said I had enough bird and other things lately and not enough people. tee hee..

So here are Mom and Dad and Shadow...a neighborhood dog that follows us around when we walk the “Block” and in front of Dad.

Every morning while visiting Mom and Dad ..we walk two or three laps around ..what we call “The Block”.

P1000057 Its been wet most mornings…

Marla ave stuff_20090724_013One morning Dad and I got caught in a downpour..

We came home dripping wet.. it was fun!P1000062 I like water droplets!P1000056On one walk around the Block..Jeff found a beetle

i was going to ask you all to help me ID this bug..but I just googled and happened upon its name.

This is a grape pelidnota, Pelidnota punctata, a type of scarab beetle

Marla ave stuff_20090724_023 It also goes by the names spotted pelidnota and spotted June beetle..Thats Dads hand holding the beetle.Marla ave stuff_20090724_024” As an adult, this insect eats grape leaves. Watch for grape pelidnotas during July and August once they emerge. The larvae which are rarely seen feed on rotting wood in stumps and logs. As a result, you are more likely to see this insects near wooded areas.”

“Your plants are safe. If you find this beetle in your garden or yard, it has wandered in accidently. If you grow grapes, the feeding by grape pelidnota is of little concern. They typically occur in small numbers in a given area and their feeding is rarely, if ever, extensive or damaging to grapes”Marla ave stuff_20090724_025 A product of the rain..Small mushrooms..which I haven't ID yet.

Any Ideas?

Marla ave stuff_20090724_017Has a small brown.tan tip. Very delicate.Marla ave stuff_20090724_019A neighbors Echinacea patch.Marla ave stuff_20090724_009Thats enough walking…lets rest our head…

One of Stars favorite positions.


What types of things do you see when you take a walk? Check out what others see..

In Nature Notes!

Hope that made you Happy Sicksta!

We are now on our way to Cape Cod. Mom and Dad are taking care of Ballie and the Homey.

We had to pack suitcases…Yikes..Dont do that very often!

A week in Chatham with Jeff's family..maybe we can sneak in some birding..and oh yeah..a few photos of people for Sicksta.


  1. Thanks for taking us on a walk around your folks' neighborhood. I love that dog--he is a star. The photo of the Echinacea flowers is wonderful! And, I have never seen that beetle before.

  2. Hi Dawn, As always great photos... I especially loved the beetle and water droplets... Have a fun day!!!


  3. That beetle is adorable! He looks like some cute little thing you'd find in a museum gift shop. And most people wouldn't have even noticed it!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a nice walk. You sure are getting around!

  5. The block looks very much like my mom's in CT. Love the idea of taking us for a walk. Hope you have a great time on the Cape. Give my regards to the Natick folk, from this former Natick folk.

  6. That was a nice walk. I loved the pictures of the people and I am going to go out on a limb here and say that one was pops and one was mudder. I don't even need Lor for that identification.

  7. I very much enjoyed this post. Really like the water drops on the Hosta blooms.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

  8. That's one beautiful neighbourhood to walk in!
    I've never seen a beetle like that. Beautiful!
    And your dog is just gorgeous :D!!

  9. That beetle is fantastic, so big and solid...and ...crunchy? Not sure what made me think that, I don't eat beetles, I promise! I would love to see a big fellah like that in my garden. Glad you enjoyed your rainy walk ans shared it with us - I don't mind the rain either, which is just as well given the weather we've had :)

  10. Thoroughly enjoyed this Nature wander! Delightful photos!

  11. Nice pictures from around the block. Boy did I walk around there many a times back in the day.. Love all your pictures.. Is that the one I took of Star? How are you liking your new camera? I am so close to ordering one..

  12. ...a lovely post. Sounds like you really enjoy your time with your parents. My family walks around "the block" too--even though there is no true block! :-)

  13. What a wonderful walk. You're pictures are beautiful, and I love that beetle. I'll have to keep an eye out for those.

  14. Great post for Nature Notes Dawn. That little beetle is one of the prey items for a wasp that I had pictured on my blog. Now I know what type of bug this wasp lays her eggs on. I like the way you appreciated that rain. I need to learn to do that ... Have a great trip... Michelle

  15. Chris Petrak
    Thanks Chris!

    Appalachian Lady
    Glad you enjoyed the walk..hope u join us next time!

    Thanks..I will need to check up on u to see where your RV is.

    hee was a cool beetle wasnt it?

    yeah will head out west soon..Hope to meet u out there!

    thanks cindy..told the natick folk about u and your saying hello..
    hello back from Natick!

    I always knew you were the smartest Sicksta!

    thanks so much! I am trying to take lovely photos like yours!

    Thanks so much!and thanks for stopping by!

    lol..I am hiding my beetle from you!

    Greyscale Territory
    Glad u enjoyed..please come again!

    Howdee Sicksta..yeah that is your should put your name on it..maybe i will..yes all taken with the new baby!

    yes..we have a great time together..I wonder why we call it the block?

    Thanks for the nice comments..hope u find the beetle..look near grape vines.

    Thanks muchly..

    oh my precious beetle is prey to a wasp..yikes! I will hide and protect him..:)

    Thanks everyone for stopping by..sorry it has taken me so long to comment..I have been spending alot of time with family and can only squeeze a little time in for blogging.


ok what do you really think?????