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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Day at the Beach, Niantic, CT. SWF

Howdee all,

We spent a few days at the beach, my previous Skywatch Friday Post was from this same beach but another day.

We have had allot of rain this summer in the Northeast…so its nice to catch a few rays of sunlight…I always prefer to sit at the beach when there is some cloud cover.Beach day_20090724_025

Great clouds this day!Beach day_20090724_020

My Sicksta Loris toe nails matched the sky.Beach day_20090724_032 Loved the subtle colors and the accent of orange.Beach day_20090724_039 A row of clouds above the sailboats.Beach day_20090724_040later in the afternoon, amazing large puffs of clouds arrivedl

Beach day_20090724_043

And the beach started to clear out…The best time of day at the beach, in my opinion.Beach day_20090724_045For more great skies from around the world click on the photo below!



  1. OMG I LOVED LOVED LOVED (yes the three loves) all the pictures oh my which one first. Love the sailboats with the clouds on their masts. Loved lors toes and the progression of here to there. I loved the subtle colors and the accent of orange also on the next picture tee hee. The american flag in the clouds was sooo beautiful. And that last picture ....all I can say is ahhhhhhhhh.

  2. I love walking on the beach... sun or clouds.
    Fun post!

  3. A great day at the beach. The puffy clouds look like sails.

  4. Gorgeous pictures, Dawn. The colors are wonderful.

  5. The beach looks wonderful! And that nail polish is matches the sky!

  6. The pictures came out great.. Good times!

  7. There's a surprise for you. Click here to get it :)

  8. Another BEAUTIFUL day at the beach! Wonderful skies!

    I must confess I too enjoy the beach much more in the afternoon around 3:00 when most people have cleared out. My family, not so much. They would rather be there first thing with the crowds. Ughh.

    Glad you and Sicksta had a nice time!

  9. Ahh... the beach! We have become mountain people, so it is really nice to enjoy your beach-y time.

    PS - doesn't food always taste better at the beach?

  10. Gorgeous day at the beach. Of course, you have to be especially careful on those cloudy days...they can be the worst for sunburn. I speak from experience.

  11. Lovely cloud photos! I love big skies like that.

  12. Thanks all of you! I really do appreciate all of your comments. Hope to do a better job in the future to respond to u all individually! I am so behind I am now doing catch up.


ok what do you really think?????