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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp outing

Howdee all,
I started a group a few months ago on Facebook called Birders who Blog, Tweet and was a way for me to see all those out there that had similar interests and put them in one group.
To learn from their blogs, listen to Tweets and I discovered a new world of Birdie and Nature bloggers out there..
Things have evolved from thing leads to another...from Tweets and Chirpers who helped us find great birding spots as we a meeting with a few other Bird bloggers in New York city.
It just seemed natural to want to meet more of these people whose blogs I was reading..
So...luckily Christopher from Picus blog ..was anxious to do the same...and together we made this fun event happen..
I will post much more later...but for now meet the Gang..

front left to right
My hubby Jeff , Bev with the magazine, Lowie
Second row left to right
Catie, Sharon, Janet
last long row
Amanda, John, Laura, Christopher, Pamela, Mark, Dan, Steve
not in photo, Johns wife Sharon, Myself,
and Andy, who after a long 2 hour plus ride had his car break down in the parking lot..
read Andys story here.

Christopher from Picusblog
John Briggs from Birding in Maine
Laura and Mark from Interstitial spaces
Bev from Behind the bins
Catie from A Birding Girl
Janet Egan from Plover warden diaries
Andy from Natures Potpourri
Sharon from A New England Life
Lauren from A Worn Field Guide
Dan from Nature Observances
Steve from Shooting my Universe
Amanda from The Fledgling Birder


  1. This is wonderful Dawn! I sure wish you were in the picture too! Chris is going to give me a copy of one of his pictures, tomorrow. I'll send one to you if you like.

    I'm looking forward to checking out some of the other blogs I haven't been to before. I also hate to admit I didn't get to meet everyone while on our trip, but I sure did have a good time!

    Did Steve help you with your camera settings ... seeings as how you kidnapped him and all ...


  2. Had a great time. Can't wait till the next one.

  3. These people are all for the birds. teehee

  4. Maybe I should "photoshop" myself in there! :)

    Next time!

  5. A good turn out. Look forward to more pics from this birdie adventure.

  6. Wish I could have been there! Let's start planning for Arizona.

  7. I'm so envious! I'm in the UK and I don't know my birds too well (that's a BIG hole in my knowledge right there) so not only would it have been impossible to join in but I would have been waaay behind when it comes to knowledge as well. But it looks like FUN! Haven't stopped by in a while, looks like you have been busy, will read back in reverse order and find out what you are up to :D

  8. I love the photo Dawn! You can be photoshopped in there one way or the other and I have several pics with you in the group shot.

    It was such a wonderful day to interact with everyone! All around AWESOME people!

    Sharon and I wish you and Jeff happy and safe travels. Hope we all can get together again next year.

    I will have my post up sometime Monday or Tuesday.

  9. Lauren's blog does not come up. Says it was removed. I think I heard that she has a new blog. Anyone know what it is?

  10. What a great group! Wish i could've joined you guys!!!

  11. Dear Dawn,
    Looks like a great group of like minded people!
    Glad you had fun. Looking forward to reading these blogs and meeting all your birding friends.
    I am crazy for the bugs!...birds and bugs and blooms works for me.

  12. That would be so nice! What a great looking group....and to be able to get together with such a special bunch of nature lovers and bird lovers, all who have that "passion" no doubt about it in my book - that would be as exciting and special as it gets. This area of NC ... beautiful birds, beautiful territory and sights, and I love it, can't live without it, but... sometimes when I'm out there enjoying it, I am hit with the reality of my passion in this area, and that is - no one around to enjoy it with... lol! Gotta go solo! But ...that's OK. Glad you're having a great time and had the chance to meet such fine folks. Can't wait to see more!

  13. A New England Life
    I will steal a group photo from someones website..ha..
    yes check out the other will enjoy them all!
    Steve did look at my camera but..not enough time to figure things out..
    We did release him from captivity..but not until way after dark! tee hee

    Well you all can plan another..I will be jealous....
    When We return I will get together with whomever would like to do another next summer for the start of migration south!

    Yes sicksta..You are right on the money there...

    hee hee..just saw your photoshop!

    yeah..i should photoshop myself in..if only i knew how to do it..ha..
    It was a pleasure meeting you both..and hope we bird together again!

    Yes..i wish you could have too! Maybe another time!

    Yes it was a blast..
    You know being Bird/nature bloggers..we also looked at plants, bugs and other things..
    so you would fit right in!

    Yeah it was a nice group of people..
    You stuck out in the wilderness and farm fields of NC..all alone..with the dogs..and the bugs, birds, wildlife..seems to me you are not so alone..


ok what do you really think?????