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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp outing, CT

Howdee all,

chirp button croped

Just a little over a week before our Milford, Ct outing!

Saturday July 11th Milford Ct.

Luke from Under Clear Skies volunteered to show us around the area.

Thanks Luke for planning this!

This is an excerpt from Luke's Blog Post about the event.

Please refer to Luke's Blog post as well.

Excited to see some old friends and meet some local bloggers as well as the ever-wandering Dawn and Jeff. Anyway details as follows: I suggest that we meet at Milford Point and start our days activities there at 10am (directions below) – which will let everyone who’s traveling get a reasonable start in the morning (and arrive a little after low tide). Plenty to look out for at arguably CT’s finest shorebird hotspot – hopefully Nick from ’shorebirder’ will be available to find us another Red-necked Stint or something (was it really 3 years ago now?) amongst the likely throngs of peeps. After that I’d suggest a look at a few spots in Stratford for coastal sparrows, herons, clapper rail, shorebirds, terns, and the US’s most northerly breeding Boat-tailed Grackle population, a stop at Marnick’s for Lobster Rolls for lunch and then on to my local shorebird hotspot Grace Salmon Park post high tide and perhaps an early evening stroll on the rather spectacular Penfield Reef.

For directions to Milford Point by car check the CAS website here. If anyone wants to try make the trip up via public transport you can get a train from Grand Central NYC to Milford (New Haven Line). Drop me an email and I’m more than happy to pick people up at the station.

Bring yourself, some serious DEET infused insect repellent, beach shoes, water, bins, scope and sense of humor. Look forward to seeing people then.


We have a great cast of characters

You can click on the links below to take you to blog etc.

Luke from Under Clear Skies

Bev from Behind the Bins and Murmuring Trees

(Twitter: BirdingBev Chirptracker Bevson )

Christopher from Picus blog

(Twitter Picusblog Chirptracker Picusblog Facebook Christopher Cissone)

Dan from Nature Observances by Forestal

(Twitter docforestal Chirptracker docforestal)

Larry from The Brownstone Birding Blog

Cindy from Living in Brooklyn, Longing for Maine

(Facebook Cynthia Cage)

Laura from Interstitial Spaces (Twitter beeebuzzz )

& Mark from Strack16 on (Twitter Strack16)

Catherine from Birdspot blog

(Twitter Birdspot)

Jeff and myself Dawns Bloggy Blog

(Twitter DawnFine Chirptracker Dawn Facebook Dawn Simmons Fine)

Nick from Shorebirder the birding journal

Chris from Tails of Birding

Dee J Brown from Oak in the Seed

(Twitter deejbrown )

..let me know if there are additions/spouses etc. or if I need to add your Twitter or Chirptracker, or Facebook ID

And as always

Please Join us!

Should be an Excellent time!

Please comment below whether or not you will be that I know you have read the details .

Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp meets Birds and Beers ..August 15th With Birdchick in MN.

leave comment or email me if interested..the cast is growing!

outings in MT, OR, northern CA , AZ, TX in the future.

Stay tuned for a big announcement..Hope to post that tomorrow!!!!!

Big Baby .. Grackle

Howdee all,

Check out this big baby…Its large ..almost the size of the adult..

Look at the way it carries on. Cracks me up! I am having fun watching all the parents with fledglings this time of year.

I took this through the window of my motorhome..some glare

What fledglings are you seeing?

For more birds on the picture below.bird photog weekly

Monday, June 29, 2009

Garden Flowers, Mom and Dads garden

Howdee all,

I was finally able to get a decent photo of a Bee…Yippee for me! I see all you other nature bloggers capture bees and bugs so well…I have been trying to emulate you..and finally I was successful.

Meet Mr. Bumble. I watched this fellow for a while..

CENTAUREA Macrocephala : YELLOW HARD HEADGetting gravel_20090627_016 He had to work pretty hard to get down to the pollen.

Getting gravel_20090627_018

I took this video of him working his way around the flower.

Mom and Dad have allot of interesting plants in their garden

hen and chicks

Getting gravel_20090627_022 My Dad grows Bonsais ..must have at least 100 of them. Good thing we got rid of one garden…one less thing to take care of.

Getting gravel_20090627_041Dad likes plants that are exotic looking..this one smells heavenly.

brugmansiaGetting gravel_20090627_011 The veggie garden, is doing well..but would be much happier with a little more sun.

The weather has been overcast and rainy for over a month. Yesterday was an exception..warm and sunny.Getting gravel_20090627_037 Here's wishing for more sunshine!

Until next time…check out some more notes

on nature by clicking on the flower below.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Making it easier for Mom and Dad

Howdee all,

Had a very busy day yesterday. See where that plastic is on the right hand side of the drive. Getting gravel_20090627_001 Here is the plastic. A few days ago we took out a garden that was here, to make it easier for my parents…one less garden to weed. We also wanted to enlarge the drive to make room for our cars in the drive.Getting gravel_20090627_003

Jeff and I call ourselves the Migrant workers..when we stop at friends or relatives..we like to give a helping hand.

Oh..look who's watchingGetting gravel_20090627_006

Star likes to sit in the car and observeGetting gravel_20090627_007

I grew up in this house..I was three when we moved here..50 years ago.Getting gravel_20090627_009 comes the gravel truck..I'm thinking..where is all that gravel going to go and who is going to spread it ??Getting gravel_20090627_025

Don't hit my House!Getting gravel_20090627_027

Dad watching the gravel being dumpedGetting gravel_20090627_029

It was a scorcher today…Wow look at the clouds!Getting gravel_20090627_032The

finished product..after some raking, shoveling and plowing with Dads plow..Getting gravel_20090627_034

I think I lost ten pounds in water weight..and I didn't stop there…mowed the lawn too!

Tomorrow I rest. ..oh maybe a little weed whacking..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Starbucks Grape Jelly Palooza

Howdee all,

The Orioles have been eating the Grape jelly like crazy.  Mom filled up the 2 Starbucks cups three times today!  The adults feed the fledglings and now some of the fledglings are eating on their own.  Mom says that last year, when the fledglings were old enough to take care of themselves..they all stopped eating the jelly and left.

Five at the at the feeder.


Jelly Billy…

birds at feeder_20090623_013

  its is a Grape jelly Palooza!birds at feeder_20090624_029

Jelly filled bills

birds at feeder_20090624_040

Oh Catbirds love grape Jelly too.birds at feeder_20090624_041Looks yummy…birds at feeder_20090624_049But its getting kinda low….have to put my face way into the cup.birds at feeder_20090624_050They all want the  

orioles_20090625_029Jellyorioles_20090625_016   gobs of it!

birds at feeder_20090624_034

Friday, June 26, 2009

Crater Lake, SWF

Howdee all,
Thought some of you might need to cool off from the heat wave in parts of the USA.
My sister in NC has had some very hot weather…This ones for you Sicksta! I know you don't like the cold…but here is an ice cube for your hot! Crater Lake 1.5
October 2, 2002Crater Lake 1.6
October 3 2002Crater Lake 2.61
Crater Lake, OregonCrater Lake 3.8
I Hope this coolness soothed your soul ...
Goodbye Micheal and Farrah…Rest in Peace
For more Skies around the world
Click the picture belowskywatch

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Feeding time

Howdee all,

We are here in Ct. parked in Mom and Dads driveway for a bit over a month.

My parents love to watch birds in their backyard, and have many feeders out.

I will take more photos later this week of Birdie activity.

This particular feeder is very active…Grape Jelly!

birds at feeder_20090623_002

birds at feeder_20090623_003 birds at feeder_20090623_004 birds at feeder_20090623_005 birds at feeder_20090623_006 birds at feeder_20090623_008birds at feeder_20090623_007

A few people were interested in the feeder...My mother sent the link

The feeder is on sale now! 20 dollars off.

See ya later..more backyard birdies to come..

in the meantime check other bird posts by clicking the picture below.

bird photog weekly

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Can you walk like this? The crazy family can!

Howdee all,

Yeah that's us. The Crazy family..and we like it that way!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beach Treasures

Weed covered rocks wet with salty oceanGood Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_075Sparkle their hues of green , smells of saltGood Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_072 And decay

Good Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_074little  diamonds sparkle on water..

Weed and shell meet.Good Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_078  Creatures of the oceans sand.

Move…in slow motion..Good Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_081 Attach themselves to rocks and weed, feasting, living, breathing,


Good Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_082Hearts of  GreenGood Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_084Good Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_083 Blues that glowGood Harbor beach, Passport rest._20090617_093  Treasure pieces and pirates bounty


For more notes on nature click on the photo below..
