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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Making it easier for Mom and Dad

Howdee all,

Had a very busy day yesterday. See where that plastic is on the right hand side of the drive. Getting gravel_20090627_001 Here is the plastic. A few days ago we took out a garden that was here, to make it easier for my parents…one less garden to weed. We also wanted to enlarge the drive to make room for our cars in the drive.Getting gravel_20090627_003

Jeff and I call ourselves the Migrant workers..when we stop at friends or relatives..we like to give a helping hand.

Oh..look who's watchingGetting gravel_20090627_006

Star likes to sit in the car and observeGetting gravel_20090627_007

I grew up in this house..I was three when we moved here..50 years ago.Getting gravel_20090627_009 comes the gravel truck..I'm thinking..where is all that gravel going to go and who is going to spread it ??Getting gravel_20090627_025

Don't hit my House!Getting gravel_20090627_027

Dad watching the gravel being dumpedGetting gravel_20090627_029

It was a scorcher today…Wow look at the clouds!Getting gravel_20090627_032The

finished product..after some raking, shoveling and plowing with Dads plow..Getting gravel_20090627_034

I think I lost ten pounds in water weight..and I didn't stop there…mowed the lawn too!

Tomorrow I rest. ..oh maybe a little weed whacking..


  1. Now, I am tired and need a cold drink after reading! LOL... good job!

  2. ...great idea. It's always good to have a little more leg room on a driveway. You really worked hard! Hope you didn't get any blisters on your hand...

  3. Looks like a lot of work, but the finished product looks great. Don't work too hard, after all it is Sunday.

    I'm having a hard time bringing up your blog other than thru twitter.
    Any ideas?

  4. Great idea. You really earned your keep this trip. Now sit back and enjoy your time with your parents..take them for a spin..maybe they'll want to get one and follow you around.

  5. Great job Dawn! It looks really nice. I admire you for helping make your folks' life easier.

  6. WOW! That is so so nice - to help your folks like that and to undertake such a wonderful project. lol on calling yourselves the migrant workers! That's some nice gravel ... sure wish I had a truck load of it. And look at the Star...all relaxed and regal from her pad she watches over. Too cute. Beautiful dog. Beautiful home! Glad you're having such a nice time with your mom and dad. Very special!

  7. A woman of many talents!

    I like Star's idea.

    How are you with a paint brush? I'll e-mail MY address....

  8. I guess if you expect someone to let you stay at their house you better earn your keep! LOL!

    Looks like a nice little neighborhood. Hard to believe your parents have been there so long! Wow!

  9. Great job! much work esp. when it is hot out! yuk! but it looks great! It's so nice you take the time to help your Mother and Father do such a big job!!
    Time to sit and sip under that nice awning I see there!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Looks like you are doing what we did in May, while visiting our Parents in Iowa. You have way more energy Than I do. Diane

  12. I asked you guys when the rocks were coming in. How come you didn't call???? Anyway it looks great.

  13. Looks like a good job well done! I bet your friends and relatives can't wait for you and Jeff to show up and help with all sorts of jobs around the homestead!
    Is Star a Doberman? What a great spot to keep an eye on everyone!

  14. Getting caught up after being away last week in Maine. Love your pics of the BAOR. Last year they showed up early at my feeders (suet & oranges) and kept coming back. This year one male fluttered by the kitchen morning in May and none back since, though I hear them singing all around and know they are nesting nearby. I wonder why.

  15. It was ME that first called you guys migrant workers. I used it in a blog actually when John, Barb, you and Jeffie were all here together and painted the house. It looks better without that side garden. It never was really much of a garden anyway. Was the quince and the flowering almond still there when you dug everything out. If so what did you do with them.

  16. Jayne
    Hope you cooled down after you got all tired looking at the work we did..! nice glass of ice tea works!

    nope no blisters..or sore muscles..this girl lost one pound of sweat!

    I have no clue why u are having a hard time bringing up my blog..humm
    have u tried clearing your browsers cashe?..that seems to work for me.

    LOL..I think we have more projects before we hit the road. Dont think my parents want to travel anymore..Homebodies!

    Lynne at Hasty Brook
    Thanks Lynne! I gave myself a pat on the back!:)

    Thanks! Yeah,,well my sister claims that she was the one who started calling us Migrant workers..and she is probably right..I just dont remember when it started..but that is what we do...when with fam and friends.

    Thanks dearie! Thanks for commenting!!!!

    Yeah..We head west in a month..hope we run into you two!

    Dont worry your pretty little face Sicksta!..we got it done and I lost a pound..tee hee

    Thanks Ruthie..yeah Star is a Dobie..and very sweet.

    Chris Petrak
    Give them the Grape and they will come! :)

    Hi Sicksta..ok I will give you credit now.
    lol..ok..there u go..haa
    No didnt see quince or almond..i think they moved that a while ago.

    Thanks everyone! Now go out and help someone you love!


ok what do you really think?????