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Sunday, May 03, 2009

Camera brain overload

Howdee all,

As some of you know I have recently purchased two cameras to try out.

One big 20x Zoom (Canon Power Shot SX10 IS) and the other a small 12x (Canon Power shot sx200).

Flower close ups_20090501_009

I was complaining about the size of the 20x…well It is a MONSTER compared to the baby point and shoot I have been using for the past three years….and It isn't a camera I would carry with me every day.

But…I like it…and I am learning about it and like it more every day. The camera has auto settings…but i am playing around with the manual ones… I don't know iso from abc…but I will learn…any teachers out there?

I can see the little hairy thingies on this flower who's name I forgetith. click on the must!Flower Close ups_20090502_013

Bloggy friend Ruth from Body Soul and Spirit Blog uses the Canon Power Shot SX10 IS. I love her photos. Did you see this one of the Gosling? It looks like a painting. Beautiful.

I think Kim from the Curious Birder uses a 15x big zoom camera and takes lovely photos. Am I right Kim? I forget what brand. Have you seen her Falcons?

And I know many of you use SLRs and DSLRs …I wont go there ..not yet anyway..But i can appreciate the much nicer photos you all take!

So I guess I shouldn't be afraid of big. There are occasions for big…ok girls/boys don't go there.. LOL

It may not fit my every need…but certainly for special occasions and of course Birding…when our walking pace is slow…yeah i am pretty much convinced. I think I might keep the big Gun.

Lookie….. I took a photo of a chickadee…It was way high in the tree and my camera found it and took a photo… don't click on..tee hee..not as clearBirdies_20090430_009

Now as far as the small canon..the one that I will attach to my hip and carry with me when we hike for miles, or when I go shopping, or biking…It will be nice to have that xtra zoom! 12x aint bad for a small camera

BUT I may switch it out for the Panasonic Lumix DMC ZS3 its a bit smaller and doesn't have the annoying pop up flash…it also is favored by many reviewers.

Lookie here what a zoom can do…I can take pictures of small birdies now without digiscoping.. Birdies_20090427_009 I now find out I need one more camera. The other two cameras will not digiscope.

And there are times when I know I will want that stability and xtra zoom.

I have been sifting thru

Mikes Digiscoping and Birding Blog and Jerry's Digiscoping and birding blog.

Both great resources for cameras, scopes and settings..and of course amazing photos they take.

I read that anything between a 3x and 4x zoom would suffice with some being better than others…

So……. I am thinking the third camera could be a Nikon coolpix 5100.

Am I camera crazy or what?

Keep in mind one of the cameras will be for Jeff…tee hee..the Nikon..and I might just have to borrow it when I want to digiscope.


  1. Poor Dawn! You are a camera salesman's dream customer, lol. (I know how that feels!) I carried a friend's Canon digital SLR and 500mm lens around for a while and the Canon SX10 felt very small and lightweight after that. Yesterday I carried two cameras on a hike and used my smallest one exclusively. You never know. I am sure you have more than three pans for cooking and for good reason. What is wrong with having 3 cameras? I love your pictures and editing in this post!!

  2. Yikes!!! I'm confused reading all that.. I love that super duper zoom. I sure wish I had one to zoom in on my birdies in the backyard. Maybe one of those would be good to keep in my kitchen.. LOL I guess we can all use a few cameras..

  3. ISO is really simple - just remember it is the digital equivilent to film speed. So back when you were using film, you had to choose between 200, 400, 800, etc. speed film to put into your camer. Just pick your iso the same way (200 for sunny days, 400 for action or slight overcast, 600 for indoors, etc).
    If it makes you feel any better, my camera is a monster. It weighs over two lbs! Every time I leave the hosue I debate with myself weather I want to lug it around or not.

    I love your latest photos - very pretty! That red bird (is it a cardinal?) is so vibrant!

  4. I don't really care about cameras. I am too busy planting. You can buy one for me and keep it with you so you will have four.

  5. Dawn, you take fabulous pictures with both of your cameras. I love the cardinal picture.

    I have a 15 zoom and its a Fuji Finepix. I have been eyeballing some lenses lately though because I need more. HA. I guess we are just never happy.

  6. I also have a monster (Canon 40D DSLR) and as you've mentioned, not very portable or easy to travel place with at all. Must be why I am in my own yard most of the

  7. I love reading about cameras. I need a small point and shoot to carry around. I can't lug my Nikon with me everywhere. Keep testing them and let us know your favorites.

    Great photographs.

  8. You have the camera bug! And very fine photos you are taking for sure!

    I was bitten several years ago.

  9. Your images are beautiful Dawn. I have the Canon Rebel xi (SLR). It is so simple to operate, I'm having trouble learning the pocket size Sureshot Elph I got for Christmas! I use my Rebel on automatic all the time and let my eye do all the rest. Did I say, I have a camera bug too!
    Hope you love your new finds.

  10. Ruth,
    I think the fact that you have the same big Canon...and take great photos with it.and .Well That photo of the Gosling is what sold me! I just adore it...Do you use the all the manual settings? I am trying them a bit at a time...being a auto point and shoot girl most of my will take me a while to learn everything this camera has to offer.

  11. Tranquility
    Thanks for the lesson...I am going to copy it down and print it out..So can you give me a lesson a day now..tee hee...apeture, shutter speed..Yikes...

  12. Kallen,
    You must have an slr then..If you are changing the I right?
    I have so much to learn..apeture, iso, shutter speed..I can use the auto settings on this new camera..but thought it might be good to use the manual ones too...I need lessons.

  13. Jayne,
    Well there is nothing like the photos a SLR camera can take...
    but I am big camera a phobic..and getting this canon with the 20x zoom is big enough..
    who knows...I might get the big lens bug and want more.

  14. NCmountainwoman
    I think you should check out the Panasonic Lumix I speak about with the 12x zoom..fits nicely into a pocket..yes..i think u must buy it.

  15. Maine Birder,
    thanks for the compliment..I am learning..I have no clue about the manual settings on this camera..but will play around with them..and I suppose I might have to do some reading..

  16. Vickie,
    Well you do a great job with that Rebel, I love love your latest with the are an artist and have a great eye for composition.

  17. Those are such nice shots! I wish I had your camera knowledge (wish I had your cameras - lol!) Since getting my first dig last year, I've been wanting to learn so much more than I know now (essentially zilch, in fact 100% zilch - pathetic, it is.) I've probably about worn the auto program mode out, te-he. Love your pictures! Helpful links too.


ok what do you really think?????