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Monday, May 04, 2009

American Tree Frog @ Garden supply store

Howdee all,

Today sicksta Adele and went on our bi-monthly shop an hour away in Apex, Cary area of NC. Jeff stayed at home still recuperating from his Tick bite sickness. He seems to be getting better…a bit sore and tired.

We do our usual shop to stock up on food we cant get locally. We go to Whole Foods, Trader Joes and then Super Target. We love shopping for food.

Today we stopped at a The Garden Supply Company for crazed plantaholic sicksta ..She was getting high on plants while I discovered this little fellow hanging out in one of the small trees.

American Green Tree FrogAmerican Tree Frog_20090503_005 I had never seen one of these frogs before…It was sound asleep on the tree and let me take numerous photos. I read that it is a frog the people often have as a pet. I am glad this one was happy in the nursery and not in some ones home.


So ..all these photos were taken with the small point and shoot Canon 200x with the 12x takes nice close-up photos.  Flower closeups_20090503_004Flower closeups_20090503_001

Flower closeups_20090503_003  Flower closeups_20090503_007

If you like gardening…and are in the Raleigh NC area…you must check out this nursery and garden shop.

They have a Wonderful collection or Trees Shrubs

Garden store_20090503_001

And Flowers

Flower closeups_20090503_006

and  don't forget to check the tree you might be purchasing…


remove any sleeping

frogs.American Tree Frog_20090503_007


  1. Great pictures! What camera did you use? It sounds like a great day. Wish I was there.

  2. Love that tree frog shot--he looks so soft and "melty", as if he's about to dissolve into a little green puddle or something!

  3. Oh the trees they had ahhhhh. I'll take one forest pansy redbud and that other cloudy named redbud. And some variegated maples. And one of the ginkos and maybe one of those cypress looking trees that I can't remember the name of. Oh oh oh and all those red maples and some standardized cottoneasters. Please please please I want trees.

  4. That frog shot was marvelous! Looks like he was trying to make himself small while he slept.

  5. Great photographs, but I must admit I kept going back to the tree frog. Delightful!

  6. That tree frog almost looks tropical. I have never seen a green tree frog but then he has a great camouflage. That's great that you spotted him.

    Your new camera is taking great shots--I may consider getting it because it's probably a lot lighter than the SLR Canon I use.

  7. Honestly, that is the cutest frog picture we have ever seen! It should be one of those motivational posters ...
    I feel motivated to nap just looking at him.

  8. LOVE the first shot of the frog! Way cool.

  9. omg... (if you only knew how much I love frogs!) I have a picture almost identical to that little fellow you discovered at the nursery. I'm fascinated by toads and frogs. Friend who's in town isn't used to all the frog sounds that start up when the sun goes down. He said (real quiet like as he looked towards the woods) "Listen - is that a duck I hear in the woods?" lol

    Glad to see that Jeff is feeling better!

  10. Whew...finally got here. I have been having a difficult time accessing your site for the last few days..won't load..freezes..jeeze!! Anyhow, made it, and loved the pic of the little green frog. He sure looked contented all balled up on that branch! Soooo green..Mother Nature has such a wonderful color palette and chooses such awesome hues!!
    Glad to hear Jeff is feeling better and getting some rest!

  11. Tink,
    Tee know what camera I used..dont u?

    I adore your description! I might just have to use that in the blog..with reference to you of course.

    I see you are still in a tree purple haze high. tee hee..

    Beach girl,
    It was a fun day..woulda been fun if you could have been there too..then I woulda had two crazed plantaholics with me.

    The little critter didn't care if i was there...I wanted to hold him and give him a big kiss..but I didn't want to disturb him...besides I already have my prince...tee hee

    I keep going back to look at him too..he/she was so cute.

    Appalachian Lady
    I think i will keep the canon 20x that i talk about..the big gun..
    but if you are looking for small an everyday camera to take everywhere...
    I have been using the canon 12x that I refer to in my camera post...but....I will not keep it..The panasonic lumix I talk about gets better reviews...but doesn't have as many manual controls..if you want more manual go with the canon 12x
    for a small package...get either one...great portability and a 12x
    zoom...awesome. go to my review for model numbers as my brain doesn't remember such things..tee hee

    Warren and Lisa Strobel

    The Zen Birdfeeder ,
    Thanks Zen...and just for you..a little...tee hee!

    thanks I want to go back and visit the little critter.

    I want to see your froggy picture..
    You are a girl with a boys name..LOL..i still cant get over it..
    oh oh...i hear that same duck at night..LOL

    What the heck is going wrong with the site I wonder...sucky..I don't want to keep people away...maybe i should get rid of my slideshow up top...though I love looking at my family when I go to my page..tee hee..
    but..I might take it off for a tell me if it loads better..maybe that is the issue..

  12. Wow! What a wonderful journey you got there. I really love the frog. Haven't seen that kind in real life.

  13. I've been on the whole Foods kick lately myself. They have a local vendor night where you can check out free samples of stuff from local farmers etc.-Nice photos with that point and shoot.

  14. Very comfortable frog.
    Great photo!

  15. Larry,
    Yeah..I do like to support local farmers as much as possible.

    yeah that frog was very comfortable.
    I tried not to disturb it.

  16. Josh,
    Thanks we love traveling and visiting family and friends.

  17. Leedra,
    It was the cutest frog I have ever seen.

  18. hi Dawn,
    If you do decide to get the little point and shoot for digiscoping, it would be great if you linked your post to the new digiscoping carnival "Digiscoping Today" which I have just set up on my blog.

    Happy birding

  19. Dan,
    Thanks for Starting the Digiscoping Carnival..
    I have a couple of older posts with my older digicoping images..I might submit one of those..
    or wait for a new pick.
    will check out your Carnival.
    Good luck...good idea..
    I am sure you must have all the big digiscopers out there to join.

  20. You have wonderful garden... I like all those beautiful flowers and plants in your garden... Love the sleeping frog pic.

  21. Humanity cannot create nothing more beautiful than these flowers and the frog too!


ok what do you really think?????