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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I have been tagged..Six Random Things

Howdee all,

Yessiree I have been Alan of Birds n Such blog
Thanks Alan
....So i need to write six random things about myself.
I have been putting this off for a few days now...but what the goes...

1. I am a finder.
Family members and some friends would tell you that I find things...
I love to find things actually... I love looking for arrowheads, four leaf clovers, heart shaped and otherly shaped rocks, that are interesting, Shells, birds, mushrooms...Where ever I am I just like to look and pick out the unusual...the thing that doesn't seem to belong, but is there. Kinda like wheres waldo.
Needless to say I am kinda like Lucy in the Long, Long trailer...Sometimes I have too many rocks...and cool stuff that I have collected.....good thing I have family members that love the stuff I find...
I also am good at finding birds...
We were in Arizona, Patagonia state park waiting for a group to congregate for a bird walk...people were mulling about, doing some birding while waiting...I spied a Rose throated Becard at one of the RV.s campsites. That was the highlight of the birdie morning... Ok so that could happen to anyone...I suppose...but maybe now you might want to take me bird watching with you...tee hee...
But be warned, I did find a great wooden tree trunk Owl...I had the group leader and a few others STUMPED..for a while anyway...tee hee...

2. I Pick Mushrooms. Yep and eat them too...
and Now my family and some friends trust me and they eat them as well.
When we started Full timing seven years ago...we picked up our Homey in Oregon. We took it to the coast to get used to living in it. (We had no clue about what we were doing...but that is another years later we are old pros to the lifestyle.)
Anyhoo....while at the coast we noticed several roadside tents with signs .."Mushroom buyers" well I love mushrooms but why were they buying mushrooms..not selling.
Well..... Oregon is a great area for mushrooming in the fall and spring, Commercial pickers go out all day ..pick mushrooms then bring them to the tents and sell their mushrooms. We found it fascinating and decided we needed to learn more...
After many mushroom festivals, mushroom walks and talks.....and Luckily meeting some new Mycological friends we were confident enough to pick certain edible mushrooms.
When in Oregon and other might find me looking for some of my favorites, Boletus edulus, or Porchini, the chanterelle, hedgehog, Oyster, Lobster, Chicken of the woods, Cauliflower.. I could go on and to pick mushrooms. I do dry and freeze them for future use and to give away.

3. I wear ONLY brown and biege....Yep....only brown and beige.
I might have other colors in a brown or beige shirt... I might have a shirt that has allot of another color...but it always has some brown or beige in it.
And why? do you ask..... Well having a very small closet,(rv closets are tiny)... and a very casual lifestyle, and because I look good in brown,( I think so anyway)......I decided that that is what I would do...
I don't need to think about what goes with what...Everything goes together....Life is easy...Shopping is easy...Just look for brown or beige..walk by everything else...

4. I have a lovely Daughter that I did not give birth to.
This is my second marriage and also my husbands. I never had children, unless you count my fur boys. When Jeff and I started dating, Samarrah was around 7 ....she asked to move in with us when we married....she was around eleven then. So I did my best to be a mother with not much knowledge and training..and I made lots of mistakes.... It wasn't always easy....but we both survived and I love her dearly. She is 30 now and living on her own Brooklyn, NY...and almost done with her Masters in Social work...

5. I come from a family of six.
That's just us kids..we do have two parents....
Two older sisters, Two younger sisters...and a baby brother...ha...hes not such a baby boy anymore but when he was born we were all at least older then 8....and he was our baby boy and we were his mothers...all five of us...Oh mom was his mother too....tee hee...

6. I Love living in our Motor home. HOMEY you can click here to take a tour
Over eight years ago when my husband suggested the idea...I didn't think that I would like it...such a small jacuzzi tub.....but he showed me a few of the beautiful Motor homes and that was far as the fireplace and jacuzzi...well.... we can have an outdoor fire and go to a few hot springs...
We sold our home put stuff in my sisters big attic, (Thanks Lori and Tillio) and the furniture we decided to keep is being used by different family members.
I never looked back...what a blast we are having. We get to spend quality time when we are with Family and friends, sometimes parked in their driveways... We call ourselves migrant workers..Lately we have been raking allot of leaves in might find us gardening, painting,organizing and helping with computer issues...or sometime making dents in peoples sofas....(JEFF)
When we are traveling we always find beautiful places to stay..if we don't like it ...we leave......
We meet others who travel like us and sometimes hook up and travel together...
Ok its not always Rosy dosy...
Sometimes the motor home seems to be a bit small and I SUGGEST..that my husband golf...tee hee...
and sometimes I am not tooo Happy about being in TRAFFIC....or passing big Trucks...or going on curvey roads...or when my husband drives to fast or when....tee get the picture...
(no I don't drive the motor home...I do know how and am Licenced to drive it..)
and sometimes the motor home needs fixin...that means pack up the car...take the cat and out of the Homey till its fixed.
but otherwise, I love it...and will continue living this lifestyle until we are ready for a fixed foundation.

okey doke I did my thing and now I am passing the rules on to you at the bottom of the page here...I will tag you ..soon...
Like I say with all these what you will...dont do it...I dont mind....Your It....

Here are the rules for Six Random Things:

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Write six random things about yourself.
  4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
  5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
  6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1. Adele at Bloggedy blog blog

2. Missy at the Blog of a butterfly and garden freak

3.Ada May at the Amelia Payson House blog

4.Kallen from Kitchen window birder

5. Ali from Unofficial Barak Obama site

6.Geno from Genos blog


  1. Nice job sister of mine.. I enjoyed reading it..

  2. Great job with your six ideas to write on. I really enjoyed reading them. Love Chicky

  3. Dawn, it's great to know you through Random Things. I've participated before and it was difficult to come up with six items. You did well!

    I have a very good friend who wears browns and beiges...I've never seen her in any other color - well, maybe white now and then. She's beautiful and the browns and beiges on her has a calming effect on me.


  4. Stacey and I love picking mushrooms too. We especially enjoy Black and Yellow Morels, Chantrelles, Boletes, Chicken of the Woods, and Oyster Mushrooms. But there are hundreds or more to choose from and more to try.

    Good Job on your six random things.

  5. Since you are a finder, please come to my home and help me find all of the things I have misplaced over the years. HA! ;o)

    I wanted to let you know that I just did the 6 random things last week so have to take a pass on this one. Thanks for thinking of me though.

  6. Dear Dawn,
    I love that you know you are a finder...I am too.
    I would take you birding or bugging anytime!
    It is great getting to know you.

  7. Hey Dawn,

    Very nice post! Thanks for being such a good sport. I wont tag you anymore - well at least no more this year, LOL!
    It was definitely nice getting to know you better.

  8. Tink and adele...thanks sisters

    Chicky...thanks mudder

    Mary...yes it took me a few days of thinking to choose the random things..I guess brown is calming...good reason to wear it.

    Natural Moments....maybe someday if we are in the same area we can do some picking.

    Kallen...what do u want me to find? Oh i think it is under your sofa...go look...

    Q..Sure lets do it someday!

    Alan..It was fun...thanks...

  9. Hi Dawn,
    Great post. Your mushroom adventures are intriguing and I love your fashion solution for limited space! In fact, I might not mind shopping as much if I followed your model. Enjoyed visiting and thanks for joining my followers!


ok what do you really think?????