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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Back for a bit..... I am after a long pause.
I really should be more diligent about blogging... but lately I have given in to Facebook for posting my easier vehicle for show and tell.
I know I will regret it later as my blog is a much better tool to retrieve our memories and travels.
I was just looking up some past trips yesterday and realized that it's not something I will be able to do on Facebook. So here I am. I hope to continue to post, at least while traveling.
So...what have we been up to?
We left the end of November for our annual Christmas trip to Connecticut...except this year was different. This was an extended trip. We stayed three months so that we could be around for the birth or our grandson and stick around to help.
Here he is..or at least what I am allowed to share. He's a cutie and growing up fast.
We havent experienced a New England winter in quite a while. 
It was beautiful and cold....too cold for my bones.
We did a little birding and finally was able to add a lifer Snowy Owl!
Being without Homey on this trip, we stayed in about 10 different beds.
I wanted my own bed...I wanted warm.

I was ready to head south.
So, after three months...we packed up our little car with my sisters
belongings that she left behind in CT...all our stuff and hit the road.

I was so anxious to get back that we decided to drive straight to NC.
I was ready for my own bed.

We have been here about a week now.
Cleaned out the closet and reorganized.
It's warm here. 80s when we arrived but the temps are back down 60s.
Things are sprouting and blooming. 
We intend on staying a few more days...
and then...
We will head to the coast.
I am ready for some sand and surf.
Some shell seeking.
See you there!


  1. Good to see you back in blogdom! Enjoy your sand and surf, and safe travels!

  2. Welcome back, Dawn! We've missed you. The Internet, that is... :)

  3. It is nice to see a post again! Love the pretty flowers. Wishing you safe and happy travels.

  4. Welcome back teacher! That is the exact reason I have continued to blog! It make a great memory/diary of information that can not be found on FB.

  5. Glad you are back on the road and congrats on the Snowy Owl!!! I thought you already had seen one! Pretty exciting bird. Safe travels and I feel your pain on the cold:) Have a great week ahead!


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