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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Napatree point, Rhode Island

Jeff and I took a morning walk out to Westerly Rhode Islands

Napatree Point.


It was a beautiful almost cloudless morning.

We parked our car in the two hour limit parking avoiding the 25 dollar parking fees most lots charged.


Napatree is a 1.5 mile long sandy spit just west of the village of Watch Hill.

Watch Hill is a affluent little village with huge, mansions lined up along the ocean.

I love beach rose…the scent is heavenly..but this little rose is invasive.


I noticed that they had areas fenced off and had sprayed herbicide…I am assuming to kill some of the roses and to allow the native beach grasses to grow.


We had to climb a small sandy hill to get to the ocean side of the beach…

P1130752This beach once was home to a small vacation community.

The Hurricane of 1938 caught New England by surprise. Forty-two people were in their Fort Road homes on Napatree when the hurricane struck, and 15 died. The storm demolished all the homes built on Napatree

Below is a before photo..

beforeafter the hurricane napatree before and after 38

“Napatree Point is now a wildlife preserve and a popular public beach protected by the Watch Hill Conservancy and Fire District, which have hired wardens to protect the area's wildlife and habitat. These wardens work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the piping plover, a federally endangered species. Napatree is also home to deer, fox, ospreys and a resting area for migratory birds.”


I haven't walked the beach since Florida. 


Nothing like the salt and sand to cleanse the soul…




A pretty blue sea sponge.


I heart the beach!


Jeff and I walked the sandy beach and around the rocky area to the bay side of the spit.


Jeff showing off the wooden sword I found.

P1130769On the bay side we found a few shore birds.

A pair of Ruddy turnstone,

Semipalmated sandpipers, A pair of American oystercatchers and several Piping Plover.


We couldn’t walk the loop back into town because there was a small inlet of water going into a pond.

We didn’t want to cross the inlet and we couldn’t walk around the pond because the area was roped off for the Piping Plover.


So we back tracked and made it back into town in a bit over 2 hours.  Luckily we had no ticket.

A great walk on the beach!

1 comment:

  1. it has been a while since we walked a beach as well... gonna need to do it soon...


ok what do you really think?????