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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

I love ya Florida! See you next time..

Our Wheels have headed north.

It was time.

Out Homey was out of service…Looking good with some new paint covering the boo boos made in the past 14 years..

Florida this past month has been an scorcher for us. Very hot mid day. I feel my skin stinging when we are out in the afternoon. We limited our outside outings to morning and evening. Indoor activities mid day.

The birds are starting to migrate north..

Its time for us to do the same thing.

We had a wonderful summer in winter in Florida this year.

Spent time with many friends …and most of our time enjoying the great outdoors.

Here are my last few photos from Florida..

This Gorgeous Monarch Chrysalis at a friends home in Florida.

P1120008Wrapped in Gold…


Black Vultures hanging getting some church..


Sun setting over the pond at the Great Outdoors RV resort


Jeff and I had never been to Mead Gardens outside of Orlando before…when a local friend told us it’s a good place for migrants we met him there to see what birds were coming in.

We saw lots of Prairie warblers..


A beautiful vine growing in the garden..


Some scaly shrooms..P1120022Black and White warblerP1120028Red-shouldered hawk on its nest..


Cant see much here..but this is a

Blue gray gnatcatcher nest.


Young Barred Owl

checking us out..


Gopher tortoiseP1120039Monarch..P1120045The bird of the morning was the Hooded warbler..

Nice to see them coming north.

hooded warblerOur last day in Florida, Jeff and I went to Merritt Island NWR to see what we could see.

Some Black Vultures in a tree..


 Zebra LongwingP1120076Green Heron


We stopped at the visitor center and I had a awesome photo shoot with Painted buntings.




Close enough to get some nice photos with my little point and shoot!P1120104


What a wonderful way to end our Florida trip!

See you up north!



  1. Gorgeous shots of the Painted Buntings..

  2. loved the pictures...that green/gold thing was beautiful..what was it?


ok what do you really think?????