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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Just a bit of this and that..

I had a few hours alone with my computer and a good internet

connection while Jeff was taking courses at the Sheraton in

Orlando, yesterday.

I thought I would write a few short poemy type things to go with some photos.

I write with no rules… I use lots of these dots…they are pauses for me…

If my spelling is wrong let me know.

I am having fun and of course its all a work in progress…



I can be an S…

I can twist myself into many shapes and many sizes…

I can dance and prance, they wont know from what direction I am coming.…

I am a magician

with cunning to fool my prey…


Do you have your Coots in a row?

Are you ready to go?

Follow me…..

There's a Cootenanny happening here..


Don’t hate me because I'm beautiful..

don’t covet my elegant scarf of feathers..

I am sure you have beauty like me…

that is yours alone..


Who's been here?

who left these telltale signs?



They sip sparkles
and other things delicate
and tasty as they prance along
in the evening light......



Look up...
They call to me...
Take my breath away...
The fluffs, the wisps....the darks, the lights...
When the sun rays shine through them...
Rainbows touch them...
They color with the sunset...
They take form...shapes of everyday things
Hearts, faces, animals... All calling
Telling me to look up...
Look up...


I hope you enjoyed…

Jeff and I are currently in a campground in Mims.

Next week, after a few ordered parts come in we go back into Service for a few days..

After that…we head to Sarasota area…

See you soon!


  1. Your photos are beautiful, and the poetry is very clever and just perfect. :)

  2. Ha! Those elipsis..are some of my favorite thngs :-) Fun post!


ok what do you really think?????