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Thursday, May 22, 2014

No blogging Mojo

Yes my mojo has been gone for a while…but I am pulling together as much energy and motivation I can to show you that..
I am still here…
and I have been having a wonderful time!
We left North Carolina the end of April and headed quickly to Connecticut for my nephews wedding and a big family reunion.
I knew it would be a busy, crazy whirlwind for a few weeks..and it was.
First my nephews wedding..which was wonderful and family filled.
Patrick and Nidya
The night of Patrick and Nydia's wedding we re-created
this photo which was taken in 1989
Simmons Family~1989
1989 family
Simmons Family 2014
family 2014
Our family have not been together as a whole in 10 years…there was always someone missing in one of our get togethers.
So it was wonderful that everyone was together again.
The following day we celebrated my birthday at my Sisters rental on Masons Island.
What a special day I had.
More photos Here
We had a few more days together before the Montana clan headed back home.
Since their departure I have been busy helping Muther and Dad in the garden, weeding and planting.
I also have my  little garden planted…
I recently purchased the Cat statue in honor of my Balliecat who is buried here.
I have a new toy.. A Fitbit.
I have been trying to walk at least seven miles a day.
Most days Jeff and I walk and bird Bluff Point.
When we first arrived there were no leaves on the trees.
What a difference a few weeks make..
Jeff and I also have taken a few walks with Sicksta Tink and Joe into downtown Mystic.
This particular day Jeff stayed home and rested. Apparently, since getting the Fitbit I have been a walking fiend and have tired him out.
Well …that’s all for now my friends…
I am still searching for my Blogging Mojo. If you happen to find it…please send it back to me.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Just as things were heating up..

Just as things were heating up…

We had to leave..

The vines were reaching out and spreading..


The flowers were starting to show off..




Big show offs these Iris are…


P1030961Ice Plant

sickstas (34)The leaves were on their way to full..

P1030940P1030942The cold days were fewer..

It was hard to get the pups out when it was cold.


They wanted to stay snuggled and warm in their beds..


With the warmer weather…the pups

wanted to be out more and more..…


Jack liked walks in the field…


Migration was in full swing..

The Indigo Bunting was one of the first to arrive at our feeders.

It also liked this area after I did some weed cutting.

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I had the feeders set up and our viewing area was close by.

P1030929The Blue Grosbeak was the second migrant to our feeders..

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It shared the seed tray with the other birds…unless it got too busy and then it was a bit more aggressive.


The next arrival was the Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

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P1030964Then another arrived…

A few days later there were four males..

The females had not arrived yet…


Sharing the tray feeder…

P1030981Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting..


The last day we were there a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak had arrived.. I noticed later in the day we had two females.

I knew there would be more…and then the warblers..



We had to leave…

See the empty spot where Homey was?..

I left the feeders stocked and Craigy had orders to keep them full.


We had to go..

Just when things were heating up….



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