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Friday, April 18, 2014

Springtime in Sickstas yard

It's Spring here at Sickstas in Carthage, NC.
It actually has been switching back and forth between summer and spring temperatures. A week of 80 degrees left us when a cold front came in. Two nights we covered some of Sickstas plants so the frost would not bite them. Daytime temps this week have been in the mid sixties.
The birds have been busy hooking up and finding a good home to raise their young-ins.

These two White-breasted Nuthatch look like they are ready for some springtime fun and frolic.

I have seen this Carolina wren sweetening it up with another...Its also missing tail it's feathers. Looks a bit odd bopping about.

The creatures of the garden have been out and about as well, warming and leaching off of the plant delights.

Sickstas garden is filling out with springtime colors..plants that have been hibernating underground for the winter are popping out of the ground and stretching out to feel the sun.

The birds have started migrating and reaching the trees above us.
Yellow-throated, Red-eyed and White-eyed vireos, Black and White warblers, Northern Parula, Yellow-rumped warblers, Summer tanager have come to feast on the insects on the freshly leafed trees.
Ruby-throated hummingbirds have been gracing my sugar water feeder.
We had a single and early appearance of a Blue grosbeak and an Indigo bunting.

Just a few days ago I heard a hooded warbler singing from the woods across the street while I was doing my morning yoga routine.
I wanted to see this first of the spring arrival so I grabbed my binoculars and rushed across the street.
As I entered the woods I was greeted by a Morel mushroom.
I started picking as a looked for the Hooded ....

I never did see the Hooded this was deep in a thicket and I couldn't get close enough.
Instead I looked on the ground for more shrooms...

Devils Urn- Urnula craterium

I have the Hooded to thank for this bounty!

Spring has sprung!


  1. I think winter is back in New Hampshire! Have a nice Easter and enjoy the warm weather. I love stopping by your blog, love all the photos :)
    @ A Place for Pictures and Memories

  2. Hi Dawn, luck you that Spring has arrived. We are still waiting. It's slowly coming, at least today the rain will wash away some more of the snow. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris


ok what do you really think?????