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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

I look at clouds….

We are still here in Patagonia, Arizona.

We hadn't planned on staying this long.

P1020789But..we are having a great time....

taking walks..

hike patagonia_006Looking at rocks..

hike patagonia_005Cool pieces of wood..



Clouds rv park_013

I have a thing for clouds..

From Michael B Davis

Posted on September 5, 2013

Clouds Play

Clouds, they live in a theatrical realm
Behind nights curtain they quietly roam
Rehearsing their parts without a sound
Till mornings sun greets dew laden ground

They play their part drifting on a breeze
Without so much as a care, if you please.
Vanishing at times then appearing bigger
Doing as they wish, I’ve now come to figure.

They travel where their heart desires
Valley and mountains windy spires
High above oceans, the sun plays a part
Shadows created that randomly dart

On and on the mist does travel
Over beaches sand and variegated gravel
Canyons of streets and high building tops
Cloud shadowed concrete that never stops

Back road towns and dusty roads
Flower covered fields where color explodes
Under the mottled noon day sky
These thespian clouds go rolling by

Playing their part ‘til curtain drop
O’ wondrous mist this play must stop
Though once again behind nights veil
Rehearsing tomorrows misty tale.

© Michael B Davis

 Clouds rv park_009

There has not been a shortage of interesting clouds here..

Clouds rv park_016Soft puffs..

nature consevancy_004

We saw these while walking the Nature conservancy..

nature consevancy_006

Delicate airbrushed clouds..

nature consevancy_003

Do you see the heart cloud above the trees in the middle?


Another heart cloud just left of the middle..

nature consevancy_005

Clouds coming out of the mountain..

Patagonia State Park..

patagonia lake sp_003

We took a drive into Tucson and saw more interesting clouds..

Saquaro east_001Saguaro National Park east..

Saquaro east_002

Saquaro east_004Clouds in Sierra Vista..

San Pedro_047A Smokin mountain cloud

Patagonia State Park..


and then..there are..

Sunset clouds..

Sonoita, Arizona..

Desert museum_194Subtle colors..

sans clouds…


Pink eruptive cloud…

patagonia sp_023Sunset clouds..

Patagonia Lake State Park.

patagonia sp_025

Fiery clouds..…

rv park_003

evening at the RV park..

Yes, I do love looking at clouds!


  1. LOVE your cloud photos! I'm a big fan of clouds too although most of the clouds we see here in the NW are gray, leaden & low-to-the-ground clouds.

  2. Hi Dawn..Haven't been keeping up w/blog reading lately. Skimmed thru' your last few.. this is a sweet post on clouds..the sky is endlessly fascinating!

  3. Dawn, your pictures are gorgeous! We love AZ and also the Sonoran Desert Museum. I lived in the desert for over 15 years. We will be heading there soon for a nice vacation with family and friends...can't wait. Been seeing many birds around here lately, I love seeing the Robins, always a good sign that warmer weather will soon follow.
    Your blog friend, Dawn
    @ A Place for Pictures and Memories


ok what do you really think?????