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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Chasing a rare bird~Red-necked Stint

While perusing Facebook on Thursday I came across this on the

ABA Rare Bird Alert page. 


This bird was so close to where we are parked. Just a short drive from Lexington.

Would it still be around on Friday?


link to the post below here

ABA Rare Bird Alert

I wanted to get out after having been indoors on Doxy for a month. What a perfect outing.

Birds and Birders…cant get much better than that.

We knew there would be plenty of birders wanting to see this rare bird.

Friday morning I watched the ABA Alert page until I saw that the bird was being seen a short walk from parking area 7'.

The morning birders got soaked in the rain while watching the stint..luckily the rain had stopped and it was just overcast.

We hopped in the car and booked it to Plum Island.

The Parking lot was full.

A birder on his way back to his car said the bird was being seen.

Stint_009We rushed to the area…A birder with a scope let me look at the bird.

Wow..that was easy.

Life Bird Dance!


We then set up our scope and watched the bird for a little over an hour.

Stint_018At first it was too far for my tiny point and shoot camera..


Then it came a bit closer…


It was chased by a Killdeer and eventually finally flew off.

Stint_030We thought we re-located the bird..but it was so very far away we couldn’t tell if we were looking at a Sanderling or the Stint.

Stint_040A few birders took off to look in other areas..

Stint_042What do I do?

Stint_044I wander around taking a few photos..

Stint_055Taking in the scene..

Stint_057I was so very happy to be outdoors..

Stint_066The sun didn’t seem to bother my skin..

Stint_083A seaweed ball..

I have found these on Sandy Point before..

Stint_070This one is green..

the ones I found last year were brown..


Stint_089The sun starts to come out..

Stint_093A Birder has news that the Stint has been re-located at Sandy Point beach..

just a short walk from where we are..

We rush to see the bird again..


To be continued…

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Turkeys and time…

Watch and wait…

We watch the home being built across the street.

I wait until its safe for me to go out in the sun.

We all wait for a baby to be born..

LEX_001There is a family of turkeys in the hood…

LEX_004This one is getting a birds eye view of the new home..


I am off the Doxy and starting to go out a little longer each day..

testing how my skin reacts to the sun.

LEX_008So far…just little snippets of time outdoors.


I miss being out in nature…

I watch from my window..


and I get my fix with morning walks..

LEX_028I done with the waiting..

I will go outdoors now..

I can not do much about speeding up the arrival of the baby..

That we will continue to wait for.



Friday, June 21, 2013

Quick…a Catalpa tree

I haven't been out much with my camera… While out walking this morning I nabbed this photo of a Catalpa tree.

It was in the shade…dappled sunlight.


I am shy in the sun these days… The Doxy has played a number on my skin and has made this girl that never burns…


my nose is raw.. my toes blistered and burned.


So we go early in the morning for walks..

trying to find the shady streets and woodlands 

We don’t stop much..

I need to get inside before the sun gets strong.


I finished the last of the Doxy last night…


I don’t know how long before its out of my system and I will be less sensitive.

I will give it a test run in a few days.


We are still waiting for our Granddaughters arrival.

She is one day past her due date.

  I have revised my way too early date of the 11 to the 27th.

Any guesses on her birthdate?


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fathers day in Sicksta Lori’s garden..

Sunday we took a drive to my Sickstas home in Connecticut for a Fathers Day Picnic.

Dad and brother John

Fathers day_002Crab claws

Fathers day_003

The rest of the gang..

Fathers day_007

A male House Sparrow checks out these digs in my Sickstas Loris garden..

Fathers day_013After in and out several times..

He sits on the home..

Fathers day_019

Was he waiting for a female?

Fathers day_020

Lori’s Succulent gardens

Fathers day_023

Fathers day_028

Fathers day_024

Love these truck gardens!

Fathers day_025

Aren't they cool?

Fathers day_027

I think I must have been having too much fun…there is much more to Loris gardens .. visit I will take more..

Fathers day_035

Back in Massachusetts~Still awaiting baby!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bit of there and here..


a week or so ago..walking around the block with Dad I spy these beautiful Clematis growing up a mailbox post.

CT_001 (1)There…

As Dad and I walk the block we pass by a home with wildflowers growing in a heart shape.

This heart is in the lawn of a recently deceased neighbor..

Dad used to take this mans morning paper from the mailbox and put it in the front door every day.

I think it’s a thank you heart…

CT_003 (1)CT_019 (1)There..

Mom and Dads yard..a few posts back I took photos of the Peonies

My mom told me I needed to take a photo of the Mock Orange..

CT_022 (1)Here it is..

CT_023Have you ever had the pleasure of experiencing the scent of a Mock Orange?

 CT_024Heavenly! ..


A few more of Mom and Dads Peonies..

Mom wanted me to take photos of the dark pink ones..

CT_013 (1)

CT_031 (1)These light single flowers are my favorites..

floppy delicate petals..

CT_036 (1)Here…

As some of you know we are now in Lexington, Ma. awaiting our first grandchild.

I also am taking Doxycycline for a deer tick bite…

Doxy can make you very sun-sensitive. You can get a burn in minutes even when wearing sunblock. Some people taking Doxy have even had their knuckles burned from the sun coming into the car. Also when you take Doxy and go into the heat, it can make your skin very uncomfortable. Please avoid the sun completely when on this med. The burns can be serious and painful.

I can not go out in the sun. I burn very very easily..

So….we walk early in the morning.

I took this photo on one of our morning walks here..

Is it a butterfly?

CT_048 (1)Humm…

CT_050 (1)Nope..not a butterfly..

CT_054 (1)

I am pretty bummed I can not go out in the sun.

I burned my toes and nose the few times I was out. I now try to stay indoors. Just a few more days of the Doxy. I am not sure how long after the Doxy I will be sun sensitive.

I am yearning for a nice walk in the sunshine.