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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Slow Migration~ Carthage, NC

I hope you are all having a wonderful spring.

Seems like places up north are still buried in snow.

Its been an odd spring here as well…much cooler than normal. More rain.

Less migrants..

This is what it looked like last year..

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Check out my blog posts here from last year and you will see what I mean.

Blue, Indigo and Rose Visitors

1~2~3~4~5~ WOW

Red, White and Blue


Not that we don’t have a good amount of colorful birds here..

Local Bluebirds nest in the yard..



Chickadees are nesting here also..

P1070093Scarlet and  Summer Tanagers are here..

Though, I see no females..

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The Local Chipping sparrows are nesting in a Cedar in the yard.


The first Blue at the feeder was this Male Blue Grosbeak..

He arrived over a week ago.

No females seen.

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A few days ago this male Indigo Bunting arrived.

We usually have a handful..

We now have two, no females seen.

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No Rose-breasted Grosbeak ..Yet..

I hope they arrive..No Thrush ..Yet..I hope they arrive.

Where are they?

Its an odd spring..

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I really miss the Rose-breasted Grosbeak and hope to see them before we leave NC on Friday.


I will check up on the Black Vulture a few more times before we leave to see if her eggs have hatched.

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Its been a lovely visit..

An odd spring..

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If you know where the birds are ..

Please send them along!

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How is migration in your neck of the woods?

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