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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Aimless wanderings ….

Here we are…

Settled in on Sicksta and Ghetto boys side yard in

Carthage, North Carolina

We have been here a few weeks…

And I have a question…


What's going on with migration?

The Pine Siskins are staying much to long this spring and eating me out of house and homey..

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Look at them..

down there on the ground!

Little brown piglets..all 100 plus of them..

They should go north…

P1070030 They seem to enjoy eating while viewing the back of this naked lady..

Maybe that is why they are staying…

I am providing too much food and entertainment for them.

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Again…I say…

What's up with migration?

One lone Blue Grosbeak when we normally have a few more spring visitors…( see the post here from last year) along with Indigo Buntings, Rose-breasted Grosbeak…

We have seen a few warblers, vireos, Summer and Scarlet Tanager…

I am missing a few birds here and hoping they arrive soon.

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Besides looking for migrants..

Jeff and I have been doing some yard work around Sickstas and Craigys..

We took out a few Holly trees…(she has plenty more)

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We have had a few peeping toms here…..

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Most days I just wander around…

Jeff says “aimlessly”…

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I suppose he is right…

I take a few photos..

Notice the new gate and front fence?..

Craigy had to redo them..termites ate the old fence..

around carthage_108I stop and pull a few weeds..

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Take a few more photos..

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I wander into the woods to see if any more Morels are popping up..

I did find over 80 this year here in the back yard..

Banner year!!!


I check on the Black Vulture nesting in the abandoned shed in the nearby property..

I discovered her when searching for Morels..


She flew the first few times she saw me....

She had two eggs..


The last few days I have been to check up on her..

she stayed..

Either she is used to me, or she needs to stay on them..

I keep my distance..


I come out of the woods and wander around again..

I take more photos..

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I check the bird houses to see who is where..

The bluebirds have nested here the past few years..

something has enlarged the hole and they have chosen a new home..


P1070135_thumbThis carpenter bee is making a hole in the bottom of the bird house above..

I wonder…



I take a few more photos of Sickstas flowers..

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I  walk around to the other side of the house to

check out the Bluebirds new home….

Much nicer..


The chickadees have a new home as well…

For years they had a home in the moon..

the moon fell and broke over the winter..we found most of the pieces..a few were still missing on the top

I repaired the pieces we found with glue and patched the rest with trusty duct tape..

Guess the Chickadees didn’t like my repair job..


They decided this home was better.. P1070081

I take more flower photos …

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Then decide the cedars that we sculpted a few years earlier..

needed shaping..

I couldn’t finish this one…

a chipping sparrow has made a nest in the top ball..P1070068_thumb

She flew when she saw me..

these are her Lovely blue eggs..


I was going to take this old bird house down..

The side door hanging by a few threads..

I opened the door to check inside..

A titmouse is nesting here..

it will stay up and I will try and repair it in the fall if we are here.


I take a few more flower photos..

In case you didn’t know …

My Sicksta loves flowers and gardening..

around carthage_149every day she toils in the soil…

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And beautiful things pop out of the ground..

around carthage_133Sweet little things..with different colors and textures..

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A shrub gives birth to delicate papery flowers



Pansies fill pots in Sickstas winter garden…she is slowly replacing them with hardy summer annuals.

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I wander again…

I fill up this basket with seed.

This is for my evening visitors..

Flying squirrels.

right outside my bedroom window..


Photo from a few years ago..

I have not been able to get a photo this year..


Flying squirrel dells_20090508_001


That’s my life here in Carthage NC….

I wander ..


in The Bird and Garden Capital

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Of here!


Stay tuned for more Aimless wanderings..

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